Help save this seedling! *PICS*


Active Member
I started out watering too frequently and now the leaves have been droopy for a week and the cotyledon leaves have died. The stem is very weak and requires propping up.

I now haven't watered in almost five days, and the coco is almost bone dry on top, but not quite. I fed it 10ml (recommended seedling dose) Botanicare CNS17 as of the last watering, but as I said, it was already frumpy and pale prior to then, so I don't think it's over nuted, just watered too frequently. Temps with lights on are 79-83, and around 75 with lights off. The other seedlings in the same conditions look great.

What can I do to save this one??? Please help!



Active Member
Well, I was told there's no point in checking the ph of coco, but everything going in has been at 5.8. However, I did just recalibrate my ph meter, and it looks like I may have had my ph too low, possibly around 5.0. Could that cause this problem?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Yes. Assuming it's not just the pics, that slightly lime green color the leaves are is often indicative of acidic soil. Try to get a fan blowing on it. That combined with proper feeding will thicken the stem. They may need some more nutrients as well.


Active Member
If that's the case, do I need to do a full 2-gallon flush, or can I just water regularly with proper ph the next time around?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
If the soil tests too acidic, you can sprinkle some lime on top and let it do its thing over a few waterings. Another way to go is to water with a solution that is about the same amount above the correct Ph as the soil is below. If the soil is 5, you want 6 and water with 7, the Ph 7 water mixes with the Ph 5 soil to yield something close to 6. The first way takes longer but is a more permanent fix, the second way helps the plants sooner but has a less lasting change on soil Ph. Feel free to experiment with either or both methods and just check the soil regularly. You'll see what changes are made to the soil's Ph and how long they last for yourself.


Well-Known Member
I started out watering too frequently and now the leaves have been droopy for a week and the cotyledon leaves have died. The stem is very weak and requires propping up.

I now haven't watered in almost five days, and the coco is almost bone dry on top, but not quite. I fed it 10ml (recommended seedling dose) Botanicare CNS17 as of the last watering, but as I said, it was already frumpy and pale prior to then, so I don't think it's over nuted, just watered too frequently. Temps with lights on are 79-83, and around 75 with lights off. The other seedlings in the same conditions look great.

What can I do to save this one??? Please help!
your right you overwatered it, no air to roots =crap root system. Stressing a seedling takes weight from final product.