Help! Sealed room humidity / condensation problem!


Ok here goes. I've got a 3m x 3m area.I want to add co2 but need to solve this humidity issue and get everythin dialled in first.I'm running 6 x 600w hps.Air is moved by 3 oscillating fans and also air is ducted out of the room at point A and re-enters at point B without leaving the ducting, effectively just mixing the air some more as I want my room completely sealed.I have a dehuey running 24/7 and condensation is still forming on the inside walls. Any help or input greatly appreciated as this is the first attempt at sealed I've done. Temps are 90 by the end of lights off (bit high but ok with co2) and plants aren't showing any signs of heat stress.) lights off temps can sometimes get as low as 65 but are normally above 70.Anyhow, Where is this condensation coming from?I first thought it was getting cooled too fast in the ducting and condensing and getting thrown back in the room so I did a little experiment. I moved the ducting and everything inside the room so there was no dramatic temp change in the ducting to condense the humidity and thought this would solve the problem. Long story short, I was wrong. Where is all this humidity and condensation coming from and how the hell do I get rid of it?And if I can't what's the most efficient way of running co2 with the conventional intake exhaust method?Thanks for any input in advance.


Well-Known Member
Nobody? Suggestions? Ideas? Anything?

How bout you give us more then 20 min to answer your question. Just a thought.

But most likely if your completely sealed off and your venting all that hot air inside your room and running 6 x 600's I'm guessing the heat from the lights and everything else is causing part of the issue. You need to recycle the air in your room at least once every 5 min.


Active Member
If your just mixing the air, it would seem somewhat pointless to vent it, wouldn't it? The condensation is from the plant releasing moisture through transpiration, if you can bring in clean air, or remove the moisture from the vented air before "mixing" it back into your sealed room, you shouldn't have excess condensation. Humidity is relevant to the amount of moisture in the air as well as the general temperatures/pressures, so remove the water vapors, I think thats commonly done through proper venting by having fresh source of air, not just mixing in a sealed room though...


Well-Known Member
​why are you not venting out with a filter and venting in fresh air ?
Exactly what I was thinking. Poor babies in that sealed off room getting no fresh air.

I bet they would thank you if you gave them so fresh air :D


i have no experience with the sealed systems but from what i understand 6x600w in 3mx3m is totally overkill in sealed room and could be quite a hazard with the condesation and electric devices, you should also have air conditioner there to cool things down?, the window ac type, not the ones with separate hot vent or it wont work in sealed room


Exactly what I was thinking. Poor babies in that sealed off room getting no fresh air. I bet they would thank you if you gave them so fresh air :D
this type of system can be extremely efficient with the added co2 if you can control the enviroment hence the name controlled environment agriculture (CEA), it might be even better than open air system when you get perfect enviroment 24/7 without the suprises of open system but it can be extremly difficult


Well-Known Member
sealed room means air conditioning, dehumidifier, co2 gen. total control of environment. you want sealed room? look at my thread.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
this type of system can be extremely efficient with the added co2 if you can control the enviroment hence the name controlled environment agriculture (CEA), it might be even better than open air system when you get perfect enviroment 24/7 without the suprises of open system but it can be extremly difficult
yep, and to control your environment means controlling the temperature with an air conditioner, which would also help dehumidify.


Well-Known Member
this type of system can be extremely efficient with the added co2 if you can control the enviroment hence the name controlled environment agriculture (CEA), it might be even better than open air system when you get perfect enviroment 24/7 without the suprises of open system but it can be extremly difficult
In no way was I saying it wasn't efficient but he was asking why his room was doing that. I understand it's completely possible but it takes a lot to get it right.

I would probably run a mini split and everything but I just prefer to give my girls fresh air. Everyone grows different so to each his own. If it works for you great, if not then you probably need to change it, just can't be afraid to change something if it's not working.

Like I always say you can't expect different results if you never change anything.


Well-Known Member
I just like to give them some fresh air. But the only time I seem to do it is during the summer months when I run out of room. Makes them feel like they belong lol.


Well-Known Member
By creating a sealed air cooled lighting setup you will be able to drop temps however I think if you are experiencing problems with condensation while running a dehumidifier 24/7 then you need either a larger one or another one.

By giving the lights a cool air intake and running through air cooled hoods into the area through each hood and out away from the grow room this will mean no extra heat to deal with and you won't be recirculating already moist air. Thus slightly reducing your RH. Then Co2 can be added to your still sealed room.

You MAY have to run AC in order to keep temps where you want them to be.



Well-Known Member
Pretty sure you dont need to exchange old air with fresh air at all when sealed... point is the co2 is the "fresh" air for them and the co2 stays in the room thats why its sealed. Isnt that why the special acs for growing stay in the room and dont vent out cause would suck the co2 out. If your gettin condensation on walls i would prob get bigger dehumidifier and try to vent the lights but people do sealed enviroments without venting lights an without your issue.


Well-Known Member
exactly. my room is sealed like you wouldnt believe. no air exchange, no vents, no odor control. temps, co2, and rh stay exactly where i set them and harvest after harvest after harvest i get the same healthy plants all the way through.


Active Member
sealed room means air conditioning, dehumidifier, co2 gen. total control of environment. you want sealed room? look at my thread.
if you have a dehum and you have condensation. Then your dehum isnt big enough for the job. also a A/c helps alot with this kinda thing. I suggest instead of a window unti. cuz you need a window almost always for these. unless you wanna get tinkerer crazy on that shit. go with a mini-split system. you mount one part outside run small piping inside and you hang the airmover on the wall. the amount of water this thing will pull out of your room is insane. well atleast my 5 ton a/c does. I have a large dehum ( and it cant quite keep up with my a/c. my room is usually below 40% humidity except right after watering. that I think about it, what kinda temps are you running in this room? and how don't you have a/c setup already? or do you?


Thanks to the responses from people who know about sealed grows or have experience growing in this way. As for the people who said I 'Need' fresh air and to vent, I don't need fresh air I need light (lots of), co2 (without exhausting it outta the room and wasting it), and temp/humidity contral. These are the requirements for a plant aswell as food of course. The fresh air you stated I need is to replenish the co2 in the air. If I'm providing 1200-1500ppm of co2 instead of the normal amount of co2 in the air (roughly 300ppm) then it is counterintuitive to vent as it'll drag my co2 out. Please read up on ceg or sealed grows. I was asking how to decrease the humidity and/or control it more efficiently not wether I need to vent or not. Devolve how quiet is that dehuey you mentioned and how hot does it run? Looked into one but can imagine it bein extremely noisy?Superstoner cheers for your input. I have an air con (portable) but its a single hose outlet and does actually drag some air out of the room which is obviously no good in this situation. The temps are fine it's just the humidity I'm having problems handling.