HELP!!!Seedling Kicked over


Active Member
Im growing a plant in my backyard, its a baby, has its cotyledons and its first 2 true leaves.. well anyways it was in a lil greenhouse (made out of the bottom part of a 2liter plastic soda bottle) and i checked on it about an hour ago and it was myseriously knocked over!!! the soda bottle half was nowhere in sight....... and the pot was kicked over with the little plant lying limp in the dirt.....

the cotelydons are pinched together touching, and the stem was so weak i had to maneuver the dirt around it in the shape of a volcanoe to hold it up, and then i watered it again

Is it going to die??? what are the chances it will survive?


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you did what could be done for it, no telling if it will survive or not though.

i grew outside once and all the critters fucking with my plants in various ways made me decide that was just too stressful :P


Active Member
i guess its probably too small to see if there is a kink in the stem, but, if there is, you might be able to hold the whole seedling up with a straw. get a fast food straw from mcdonalds or some other crappy food joint, cut it to length, then cut it length wise and slip it around the seedling, with the leaves sticking out the top.

hope that helps
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New Member
Hate the avatar but good advice.;)

Yes it might be ok. On a couple of occassions I have had my cat knock over my seedlings. 2 out of 3 made it.

One of them was sooo bad it literally looked like a match stick. i almost chicked it but decided to just see what happens. I was stunted for about a month but gradually started growing and ended up being one of my best outdoor plants.

You just don't know until you give it a try.

Just don'ty cut of any leaves or anything because it will need them for energy.
i guess its probably too small to see if there is a kink in the stem, but, if there is, you might be able to hold the whole seedling up with a straw. get a fast food straw from mcdonalds or some other crappy food joint, cut it to length, then cut it length wise and slip it around the seedling.

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
that is a really dawn good idea i never ever would have thought about that one where you mcgiver in a past life lol