HELP!! snapped the stem


Well-Known Member
hi in the process of pinching the main stem as i was supercropping i bent the stem and it seemed to have split. will this be okay if i leave it or will i have to do sumthing to keep my plant going? any help will be great


Well-Known Member
it should be ok.. like anything it will have to heal itself... which will set you back a good week or two behind schedule... but your plant will make it... i imagine the split isnt to big... just be patient... itll prolly take a good couple weeks to regain normal growth... good luck


Well-Known Member
no its only a small one. i think i pinched it on the wrong side about 4 inches from the top and when i bent it over i could see the split and could see inside the stem. i'll upload a pic in 5 mins.


Active Member
You can always clone what 'snapped' off.. happened to me a couple weeks back, I bent one of my less than ideal plants and it snapped off everything but the bottom node, so I trimmed off some excess leaves, scared the stem, dunked in rooting hormone and planted it in some dirt. I now have two happy & healthy plants from that disaster.


Active Member
Ha, that's nothing to worry about, just don't fuck with it and it'll repair itself within a couple days.