Help!!!started flowering

ok ladys and gentlemen i have 6 total in my garden. one big momma(some reggie) and 5 other of sum good which at the oldest is 3 months.which have started ti flower i nean the colas are out even on the babies is this because the oldest plant big momma has starterd flowering? also for the other 3 plants thats have not shown a cola on top should i assume they are males and remove? and help is appreciated comrades!


Well-Known Member
wait till the plant matures and show sex or force flower them. you are looking for a pear shaped ball with two white hairs comming out of it if you have a balls on a stick its male


Active Member
Yep. You want white hairs popping out of the little pear shaped pod. If you see a little pod with no hairs keep a close eye on it and if it starts to multiply (male) then pull it. If the pod stays as one and white hairs start to grow out, then congrats its fem.


Well-Known Member
I am assuming this is indoor growing since thats the section you posted in. What is your light cycle? The only way to sex is look for balls/pistils: check out that site and check with your plants. Its a good idea to sex much earlier in your grow than 3 months. You could have male pollen sacks all over the place unloading their foulness all over your ladies already at this point. Figure out which are male/female asap and yank those boys out.
yep indoor and i have them all on a 12 hr cycle on a timer. the other three do not show any pods at all or flower like they are still in veg fems show flowers with white main concern is to remove the males before the ruin my yeild :(


Active Member
yep indoor and i have them all on a 12 hr cycle on a timer. the other three do not show any pods at all or flower like they are still in veg fems show flowers with white main concern is to remove the males before the ruin my yeild :(
Were these plants sexually mature before putting them into flowering? It doesn't sound like it, which means they prob haven't all shown yet. If you see no white pistils then you should see a little pod a little more ball shaped. Off of that pod, more pods will form and these are Male sex organs.


Well-Known Member
You'll be able to see the males forming long before they are able to blow their nut.
i guess i did but i read that it is possible to grow from seed to harvest on a 12 hr cycle i am aware that you can do it at shorter and longer hours but im trying to make due with the setup i have until i can get all the needed equipment i want to smokee you have to feel me! :D


Active Member
I'm curious and confused from what I read in the original post it sounds like you were confused as to why they were flowering...If you're growing indoors and didnt want them to flower than why are you running a 12/12 cycle? Also pictures would help if you need help sexing the plants.