Help to Induce Flowering


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.... The reason for today's post is mainly my concern to help induce flowering as early as possible.....I have not had the best of luck inducing them in the past. They usually take about 1-2 weeks before any real signs of bud growth/ signs of flowering! This has been a pressing issue of mine and I must address the situation now! I will accept any input and or advice on the topic. Thank you all for listing and helping.


Well-Known Member
To induce Vigorous Flowering as soon as possible you have to start with a Clone.

Because clones are mature. They have the proper hormone levels to be placed directly into flower.

If you start with a seedling you have to veg that seedling till it reaches maturity at around 2 months old. Because only then will it flower properly when put into flower.

My strain will show buds 12 days from putting it into 12 / 12 from clone. But If I put at seedling in there the same size as all the clones it would not show flowers till much later then the clones. Maybe as much as two full weeks.

During that time the seedling is struggling to build up the proper hormone levels to trigger flowering.

So if you want your grow to flower well. Start with a mature plant. Either a seedling you grew for at least 2 months till it shows preflowers and alternating nodes. Or a nice lovely clone.

I <3 clones

They work so well.

And they are so easy when you know how.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.... The reason for today's post is mainly my concern to help induce flowering as early as possible.....I have not had the best of luck inducing them in the past. They usually take about 1-2 weeks before any real signs of bud growth/ signs of flowering! This has been a pressing issue of mine and I must address the situation now! I will accept any input and or advice on the topic. Thank you all for listing and helping.
I could be VERY wrong as I have never grown a clone, BUT, i've been told that when you grow from seed it takes 2 weeks (and in my experience has been 2 weeks) in order to show flower in 12/12. HOWEVER i've been told that when clones are grown they show their sex a lot sooner. So although I am a Noobie and I may very well be wrong, i'm guessing someone told you their flowering experience using clones and you have been going by seed. I could be wrong, but my stoned self thinks thats whats going on.


Hello everyone.... The reason for today's post is mainly my concern to help induce flowering as early as possible.....I have not had the best of luck inducing them in the past. They usually take about 1-2 weeks before any real signs of bud growth/ signs of flowering! This has been a pressing issue of mine and I must address the situation now! I will accept any input and or advice on the topic. Thank you all for listing and helping.

It could be a light leak, the strain, or nutrient mix. Maybe try using vegetative growth nutrient mix until flowers form, I know this helps my flower formation size and time.
Good post xare.Also you can use a 10 dark 14 light photocycle the first few weeks of the flowering period,then after a month or so go to a 12/12 photoperiod so as not to lose any yield.Using a 10/14 photoperiod all throughout flower will result in a faster start and finish,but also a slight loss of yield


Well-Known Member
if u want flowering to start faster from seed then veg your plant till she is mature, in other words till u see preflowers during veg or when your nodes start to stagger


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.... The reason for today's post is mainly my concern to help induce flowering as early as possible.....I have not had the best of luck inducing them in the past. They usually take about 1-2 weeks before any real signs of bud growth/ signs of flowering! This has been a pressing issue of mine and I must address the situation now! I will accept any input and or advice on the topic. Thank you all for listing and helping.
I started from seed, vegged for 4 weeks and some days, tossed them into 12/12 and 3.5 days later I saw my first pistils. It have been 10 days now and the plants are WELL underway in flowering. The trick? I supplement my HPS with an LED. All my plants showed their sex within 6 days without fail. I was shocked to see them show their sex so quickly, as you can see, most people say it takes 10 to 12 days just to get started, and my plants have well developed budding sites and now secondary budding sites when everyone else is just starting to see a pistil. Don't believe it? Neither did I...Check out the journal below.


New Member
i found to get her to flower quick is to shut offf lights for 24 hrs prior to 12 / 12 as well let room get cold like 58 to 62 degrees in 3 days i had flowers showing after one week of flower they looked like this

i keep my humidity around 50 to 60 max and room temps 68 - 72 lights on and 60 lights off


Active Member
Sativa dominant-2 to 3 weeks 12/12
indica-1 to 2 weeks 12/12

Clone will still need to reach a point of maturity until it is good to go. You will want to check for light leaks.


Well-Known Member
36 hours off will defo get you moving faster always get pistals at day 5 to 6 no later check your room a little light in there is fine as it would have moon as night light anyway but total darkness is the aim.


Well-Known Member
36 hours off will defo get you moving faster always get pistals at day 5 to 6 no later check your room a little light in there is fine as it would have moon as night light anyway but total darkness is the aim.
but how wouldnt that stress a plant ? for example one that is under 24h 400w hps , would it stress to go all the way to 36h of darkness without no buffering of some sort ?