Help, weird leaves. maybe fert prob?


If fertz got wet in their container and didn't get used for a couple weeks could that cause a prob??

I can't figure out what causes this!?

I spilled some water in my fertz container, could it be "activated" and then be stale by the time I used it???


Well-Known Member
well what kind of ferts are we talking about me looks like you might be using something a little bit too hot for them,


Active Member
those leave edges going down looks lik plants trying to conserve water u sure it has enough water do u get runnoff?if so i was think over fed but closer look i believe ur having Phosphous defiect due to ph or unbalanced nutes also raised between viens points to salts as well but that could be time of day also its P for sure second look its used for cell division etc it the new growth showing the worst signs try adding some balanced nute to one plants with 20%run off that one will looklittle better in day