HELP!! What is this? Some sort of defiencey or toxicity


Active Member
Can any help me with this. Left for 2 days came back to this ..seems somewhat isolated and only on one of my 2 plants. I see a few other leaves with the same discoloration but this one was by far the worst ?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
and while you're at it, tell us medium, lights, nutes, temps, rh, ph, and take a pic of the effected area, and the whole plant, in normal light....all that will be very helpful


Well-Known Member
If you using Fox Farms I wouldn't be giving it any other nutes, you may be burning it up. That Fox Farm soil has enough nutrients to get you through a month or so without adding anything else to it.


Well-Known Member
Its been many years since ive posted a pic but I used to just drag-n-drop. try that out because at this point we are literally blind and throwing darts in the dark in a middle of a tornado


Well-Known Member
Have you flushed them at any point in time? How big are your containers and how many gal/liters of water do you feed with?


Well-Known Member
I know this is hard with no pics I posted one on imgur and someone said they thought nitrogen burn..and also asked if I was at the end of veg and about to flower ..which I am
are your plants dark green and just the tips of the leaves burnt and pointing down? can you link to the pic on imgur?