Help, What is this??


Active Member
Hey, Everyone... I'm in soil. Blue mountain Org. Nutes. the first 2pics below are in veg still. last week I had a short term memory loss and overwater. all My Babys Veg and Flower. and now i got some crazy yellowing with Green spots???
and on my Flower side(week 4) I got all my big fans yellowed out in 3 of 4 days!!!! Overwatering again I guess. it's not a Nitro. def. everything was fine til I overwatered.. Or if they are root bound will this cause problems. on 1 plants even the top bud leafs are pale green...I know they are root bound. you cant even pinch the soil its so full of roots. I ordered bigger pots 4 weeks ago, But they got shipped to Philly (900miles the wrong way)and should be here this week. a lil late...

What are the affects of being root Bound? I put another fan on them at pot level, tryin to dry them out, Good idea or bad? So I'm thinking I got some Root rot maybe. will this cause the fans to yellow? How fast does root rot set in?

BTW, Love the site, I learned alot. Thanks to everyone that takes Time to answer, Us newbies stupid ??"S..

Onemore, If you wait to water til the plant relaxes( when the leafs go downward) is that to much stress? Cause that's the problem , My girls were drying out and relaxing in less then 48 hrs. after a total soaking watering. before I got up to check them they would be pointing downward and dry on day 2 after a watering....again too small pots 1 1/2 gal. for to Big of Girls..

Thanks In Advance



Well-Known Member sounds like once you get around to transplanting then most of your problems will be solved....your plants probably haven't been able to retain the water you've been giving them because there is not enough space in their pots


Active Member
You Need Bigger Pots About 6inch space between root ball when held in center of new pot and the side then fill with foxfarm organic, around the root ball and bury it deeper. then water. trim the yellow leaves and you can buy pots @ homedepot or lowes.