Help ?? when to begin


New Member
Hello ..

I hope someone can help me.. and im sorry i do'nt have any pictures as of yet, I have four seedlings all 3 to 4 days old and have been keeping them under a low wattage warm colour cfl at night and in my window during the day .... im hoping to mature them a little bit before i place them in my grow room, as i know natural sunlight is very beneficial... its an average of 28 degrees celsius in my grow room when im using my 250 watt Mh light, i also have a Hps light (400 watt) for flowering, and will be using Canna Nutrients when i begin to feed.

anyways the most mature and fastest growing seedling is 30mm tall and bent over but im not to concerned about this at the moment " i can stake them later", it has two small leaves growing from the first two cotyledon leaves and these are both 5 mm long... the seedlings are in rockwool which was soaked in Ph 5.5 water prior to planting and i watered with 40 ml of the same calibrated water again yesterday evening ... but im wondering now should i begin to feed with a dilute liquid nutrient solution already or should i just continue with watering????

Any input or advice? temperature is a warm room temperature at night and probably a little cooler during the day. and the rockwool looks visibly moist after yesterdays watering.:???:


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt feed them nutes just yet. I usually wait til about the 4th node before I start feeding.


New Member
Thanks for the advice.... im happy with their development so far so once they are a little bit stronger i'll put them in probably at the weekend... just keep watering or do you agree with feeding at the fourth node?


Well-Known Member
id say i agree , dont start feeding just yet. 3rd or 4th node. and be carefull dont follow nutes instructions , use only a quarter of what the pack says !!


Well-Known Member
Personally, I believe you would do much better keeping them under your artificial lights than keeping it in a window. And they shouldn't need any kind of nutes until at least the third of fourth set of leaves.


Active Member
make sure you gradually introduce nutrients!!! but if ur using soil as ur medium, it usually comes with a good months worth of nutes to begin i always wait til the 3rd or 4th week to fertilize in increments starting at barely any at all. ends up being anywhere from 3-5 nodes or 5-7inches tall.

i dont go by nodes, i go be leaf area. some indicas have 3 nodes with more leaf area than 5 sativa nodes. after all, it is leaf surface area that is most important in nutrient needs and utilization etc.