HELP: wiring for lumatek dual 600v


Active Member
anybody out there installed this type of ballast? if so please respond with some help..

first q: my breaker is 220v, not 240v, although ive heard this isnt an issue...

2nd q: ill b using the dryer outlet to run my dual, however the outlet is a three pronged with an L. therefore i was thinkin of hookin a dryer pony up to a light controller (any suggestions) then hookin ballast into controller.. does this sound right?

3rd q: since the ballast will b in the laundry, i will need to run an ext cord for the reflectors (daystar ac). is this possible? do they make the 240v ext cord for this application?

4th and final q: the instructions that came with the dual state that u must NOT wire a neutral wire to the ballast. so how excatly do i go about wiring the dryer pony into the light controller?

thanks a million to anyone who can help...:peace: