help with 5 gal. bucket DWC set up.. +rep


Active Member
can some one tell me the best grow medium to put in the net pot for this type of grow
plus is it ok to grow with this system outdoors im low on money and im trying to start a hydro grow


Well-Known Member
i would use hydroton also if you are going to use outdoors not sure if its going to be covered or not but if it rains it can overflow the res cover with plastic of some sort.


Well-Known Member
I agree Viastone or Hydroton for the medium. I have never done this outdoors but, I think that res temps would get pretty high. Have you considered Hempy Buckets? Cheap, easy, hydro and will drain on their own if it rains. Just a thought, never done them outside either, all of this is frowned upon in my state.


Active Member
depending on your location you might need water chillers or add frozen water jugs to your rez when the sun comes up. You need the rez temps to stay between 68-72. If you use a bigger air pump you could get away with higher rez temps like up to 78 degrees.


Active Member
ok ive got a 4ft tall 4ft wide grow box outside i wanna put it in can any one tell me where i can get a cheap light setup , im tight on money so i cant go get some fancy grow light kit i was thinking to go with an hps light but can some one tell me everything i need to set up an hps properly ???