Help with FAN LEAVES (+ Rep) HELP

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
I just flowered my plants at about 2 months in, they are now week one of flowering and i trainded my plants. Some of the fan leaves are really covering some new growth spots, or future bud sites... And they make it difficult to train by getting in the way. Would it be ok if i just trimmed a few fan leaves off this far into the game or is it to early... Help please


Active Member
you really cant tie them out of the way? if not and they are covering your flowering sites you should trim them, it is never that great to trim fan leaves but it they are blcking your buds there really isnt much else you can do if you cant just tie em out of the way. just dont cut too many!


Active Member
ive never flowered a plant but i have a friend who did and he cut some fan leaves as needed and it didnt hurt the plant at all if anything it helped but some of the guys on here will say that those leaves bring alot of energy to the plant which they do but i still think you can get away with trimmin some of them.....hope this helps

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
thanks guys, i realized i shouldnt cut them off, i will just trim the crutial blockers... and i honestly wasnt thinking of tieing them down or in a dif dirrection... thanks


Active Member
should this only be done in flower or will it also help to do this during veg?? (tieng or moving but not cutting)


Well-Known Member
should this only be done in flower or will it also help to do this during veg?? (tieng or moving but not cutting)
If you're referring to LST'ing your plant (low stress training), you should do it during the vegetative stage. The branches/stems are thinner and more flexible during the earlier stages of the veg stage, and more amenable to being bent.


Active Member
so i should bend the fan leaves away from the future bud sites?? sry ive never heard of this low stress training thing before therefore ive never even looked up any info on it so i pretty much know nothing about this i dont even know what i would tie the fan leaves to...guess i got some research homework tonight!!! lmao


Well-Known Member
when you trim the fan leaves off of your plant it promotes branch growth the plant grows branches faster to make up for the lost fan leaf.


Well-Known Member
The fan leaves feed the plant throughout flowering so do not cut them off but. You can tie them back for more light to penetrate the budsites though.


Active Member
The fan leaves feed the plant throughout flowering so do not cut them off but. You can tie them back for more light to penetrate the budsites though.
ok cool im gna try this then.....i plan on topping my girl tmw and i will move some fan leaves also...


Well-Known Member
duude.. how long have you been lsting? if you do it right. those "bud sites" aka nodes will create its own branch and will grow past any fan leaves. if anything just tuck the fan leaves under the nodes dont cut them off.


Active Member
cool thanks everybody and yea i dont plan on cutting any fan leaves jst kinda moving them out the way is all im goin for.....

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
duude.. how long have you been lsting? if you do it right. those "bud sites" aka nodes will create its own branch and will grow past any fan leaves. if anything just tuck the fan leaves under the nodes dont cut them off.
I just staARTED TRAIN ING HER WITRHIN THE WEEK....they almost too big for my box and i havent even sex'd them \ week 1 flower