help with gnats


Well-Known Member
I have a quick question about gnats. i use all organic in my grow. in fact i copy the TOL by the REV. i dont keep a mother plant either. i just take cuttings from her as i move them into flower. the cuttings are put into aeroponics so no soil is in my cuttings box. well today i noticed gnats flying around the cuttings. I use a bug spray that i made of sesame seed oil, ground hot peppers and dayie flowers and it works great for mites just wanted to know if its good for gnats to or does someone know of something better to use on these things. i will be cleaning all grow room and bleaching down everything tonight

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I just had to deal with gnats I have coco coir. I went to Wally World and bought this spray that's made of crysathamiums oil. It knocked them out on contact! It's called Worry Free it's by garden tech. Only like 8$. It works !


Well-Known Member
I would use a mix of neem and silica. The silica will emulsify the neem so it mixes with water. Make a fairly strong mix of it. Heavier on the neem side. It eliminates thier ability to reproduce and feed so they can't produce more generations and the current one will eventually starve off. Plus the neem and silica your plant will LOVE. also look into nematoads for you're medium. They eat the gnat larva which are the real problem. Just check the pressure on toure hydro pumps because the nematoads may not be able to survive being pushed thru a hydro system if water pressure is to high. Anyway use both of those methods and you should be bad bug free in a week.

Stay green

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yup,,,BT,,,,,Mosquito Dunk,,,,,works great for gnats.
The other BT is
This stuff is great too......use as directed....

The one thing I might ask is are you sure they are Gnats? Kill one and look under the scope at it to an online close up pic.....look smaller and not the same? Could be their not fungus gnats but root any rate, run the BT first.....gone? Your good.


Well-Known Member
this worked for white flies. . Soak a garlic clove in olive oil for 24 hours. (just a little oil). Add to a water then add a tsp of lavender soap. Spray... Those mosquito dunks have never never worked for me.. For soil its alot easier to get rid of them. Just topdress with castings and compost.

. If any root pests. Rosemary oil will get rid of them.

if you happen to have any stinging nettle. Brew that in a tea and use in a foliar.. That will work as well
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Well-Known Member
I've found a 3 part process that works well for gnats...

Yellow sticky cards, rip them in half and put a few on the top of your soil, and hanging in dim areas, this will catch the adults...

Then Mosquito Dunks.. I use 1/2 dunk, crushed up to 5 gallons of water.. water with the dunks every other watering for I month.

Add a few drops of yucca extract to your waterings.. it seems to drive the gnats away....

If you do these 3 things, you shouldn't have any more gnats... they have a 30 day life cycle so its not a quick fix usually.

Also, I've used SNS soil drenches for preventive measures and no more gnats ever :)