Help with grow problem.


Heya All!

Well, I'm into my second grow. 1st was last spring and it turned out great! Unfortunately, I did not remove the males before a couple of branches were pollinated. On the upside, I now have about 50 seeds of what I hope to be an awesome cross breed. Now, on to the question...

I have a seedling started, and all was going well up until a couple of days ago. At this time, the leaves started to curl down, and the ends and sides are gradually turning brownish yellow. I thought maybe it was due to heat or overwatering. I was also very suspicious of the soil. Below, is the "equipment" I am working with...

2 100W CFL's
Miracle Grow .21- .07- .14 potting mix

I switched to Miracle Grow Moisture control soil, mixed with perlite to improve aeration and drainage even more. When I transplanted to try to save it, the soil was completely saturated, and I suspect it was being overwatered due to improper drainage. I mixed the new soil into a Dixie cup, cut slits at the bottom in 4 opposite locations, and watered and let it drain before I put the seeding in its new home. It is looking a little better today, but the brownish yellow is still there and very prevalent. The leaves are still curled under a bit. I also shut down the cfl I was using for side light. I am not fertilizing yet, as I feel they are too young to do anything additional.

I guess my questions are as follows:

If it was overwatering, is the damage reversible? Does it sound like rot? Should I wait it a few days to water again, or get on an every other day schedule?

Also, do you think there could be any other issues at this stage? Possibly nutrient burn from the original soil?

I know miracle grow is not ideal, but it is all I had access to at the moment. I now have the Miracle Grow Moisture Control, Perlite, and worm castings that I will be using when a few more seeds are done germinating. I have also acquired a couple 150W HPS lamps for dirt cheap. I will use those, combined with cfl's for side light. I only plan to grow 1 or 2 plants in a closet, so I think the new setup will be much more ideal.

Sorry, I don't have pictures, but the above is exactly what happened. The little hopeful is only about 4 inches and looks as if it is continuing to grow. Just worried about the color spreading and ruining the whole plant. Anyways, sorry for the long story! Any help is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Some people might disagree with me and say that Miracle Gro is fine for marijuana plants, but I fully disagree. I used to grow in Miracle Gro years ago with pretty good success. But after switching to Fox Farms I'm never looking back. Sure it costs about 4 times as much, but it's worth it. Why grow expensive ass strains of weed in cheap dirt? That's like putting Super Tec oil in a Ferrari.

When I used Miracle Gro, my seedlings always looked sick. They always pulled through, but they still suffered. In Fox Farms, my plants start healthy and stay healthy. I also started using fully organic nutes and haven't looked back. Organic nutes are a lot less scary than chemicals and I don't have to worry about toasting my plants unless I were to go completely overboard. On top of all that, PH problems in organics is of little concern.


I blame the soil.

Cheech Bong

I too had a very similar problem but was able to save the plant. You did the right thing in transplanting the plant but it seems with an every other day schedule you are overwatering. Again I do not know how much you are watering every other day or even how big your pots are but it sounds a lot like an overwatering problem.

I agree with Stomata that Fox Farms is a better choice between the two, but at the stage of your plant's life the soil is not the problem (right now). Let your plant dry out and at this stage of root growth you want your roots to search for water instead of being saturated in it. Depending on the size of your pot and soil should depend your watering schedule. Remember its about a lot of water at one time not a lot of little water every other day.

Good luck man hope that helps.


Awesome! So far, huge help. A little reassurance goes a long way. It shouldn't have root rot this quick should it? It just looks... sick. I'm pretty confident that it will go back to being nice and pretty, developing huuuuge... tracks of land in a few months. Any other causes that anyone can think of? Again, thanks for the help so far.