help with grow room!

i have been looking for a good place to grow and looked in my closet i noticed a bord about 2 by 2 nailed into the ceiling so i unscrewed it to take a look up there its about 3 to 4 feet tall 5 to 6 feet wide and room for about 15 plants theres a problem tho the floor of my newley found attic is covered in instalation( the fluffy white stuff im pretty sure thats called instalation) is there anyway to work around this and still make it a succesful grow room ???? thanks!!!!!


Well-Known Member
buy a sheet of plywood and lay it on top of the insulation as a floor.
there should be beams every 2ft or so up there for the ply to sit on.
¼" ply or thicker should do the job.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
The cheapo way is to go around scavenging bits of chipboard etc from friends/families garages then have hours of fun putting it all together like a jigsaw where you have to make the pieces as you go along.
It's what I did, and I'm not recommending it but if your too cheap to buy wood and know people with surplus wood...