help with heat of 4x 125watt cfl


hi buds i have an issue with my 1.2x1.2x2.0 metre tent it's only use is as a mother and baby unit. However i have an envirolite hood that is 1 metre long inside can hold 4 bulbs but when i put all 4 in the heat in the tent is 82 or 28.5, which i know is too warm i do have an 200cfm extractor fan for the heat which does nothing and i have ducting as an intake my question is which would be best

to buy better fans to cool or to just use 3 bulbs as temps sit at 26-27 with 3 bulbs also in the tent i have 4 mums all in 15 litre airpots i have GSC in 1 litre airpot and i have 6 seeds waiting to break dirt and a propagator which has cuts in i did try hps but it killed me so had to switch to cfl for veg and hps for flower. At minute im running just 3 bulbs which is 375 watts will this be enough as somer of my plants look all stringy if need pics i can get no worries TIA buds


Well-Known Member
82 f is NOT too hot.... as long as you do not get spikes...
You must bring cooler air [from outside tent] into tent...
Then you must exhaust out hot...

Your fans I suspect, you need bigger intake, and exhaust...
Hows your RH with four lamps in?


rh is 40%-50% so little low but im happy with it see i did try hps bud but rh was 100% on 600 watt and at 90 so abandoned that now use tent for veg only then put under 2 x 600 watt hps, i thought anything above 80 was a no bud its why i removed 1 bulb temps at 76 and rh between 40-50 never higher than 55% also i never turn lights off they are on all the time bud Thanks