Help with multi planting plzz.


Hey guys, i am on my 1st grow and was wondering since i planted multiple seeds in one pot when i should move them and how i should move them. Plzz Help.



Well-Known Member
Once they sprout I would suggest getting them into individual pots.. If you don't know the sex and the roots get entangled pulling a male can be almost impossible later on


Well-Known Member
As soon as you can really...the ladies get a bit testy sharing space.

When transplanting try not to hold the stem, at this early stage it's too easy too accidentally crush it; hold a leaf, if this is damaged she'll soldier on...:)


Well-Known Member
There is some interesting info here... WTF??
once plant grows it's second set of real leaves, I would:

Take a spoon, and go into and under soil where plant is...
Touching roots not a problem...
Scoop out plant and soil and transplant whole mini root ball and plant into new pot...
Dont worry if roots are tangled, don't worry if plants droop a bit when done...
Water in new plant into new pot...
You'll be fine...
Once in new pot, plant will most likely stall it's growth a little, as the roots stretch down.
When new growth shows on top, the roots have already grown...
Good Luck man...


I tried it with the spoon, and how long do u think the roots to the little things are i got about an inch or two of roots


Well-Known Member
Again, don't worry at this stage about the roots...
When did it sprout? How tall is it? I'll assume, two inches...
Go down and under about 3" and scoup it out...
If you cut a root, just like if you pinch your plant top...
Two roots take off from pinch/cut point...
Worry less, you'll be fine, if this is your only problem...
No big deal...


Yes you are right about the height and, i thought the roots were a HUGE deal so i kept thinking, "should i have gone that extra couple inches?" But thanks alot i will sleep better at night now thx to you.
Happy smoking!! :D Thanks alot again.


Yes you are right about the height,and thanks alot about the root detail, i kept thinking "should have i dug that inch lower?" worried that i cut a root off,but think i can hopefully sleep better tonight thanks to you!!
Thanks alot!!!


Well-Known Member
Mann u dont want ur girlfriend and ur fuckfriend in tha same room!!! they'll fight no doubt... same for MJ plants, they'll compete for nutes and light and u'll never get the full potential! no big deal for now go ahead gently and transplant 'em to different cups and watch the nature doing it's magic. happy 420!