Help with my firstie



Can Any one help me identify this lil guy.
:hump:I feed it lots and its a windoceil baby:hug:

What can I add for free that will help her suffice?


What part of it should I top is it the peice that is being like the new born leafs?
just top those off?
Or Should i just leave it & give it a buncha more light?


Btw mr sticky
you cant see it but the buds are inbetween the leave and the stalk you can see a fuzzy looking thing with a V shape.
So idk Im trying to see what the best thing i could do is... :\


Well-Known Member
just cut off that first part of the top try not to leave the stem cut it at the node.its going to be strechy no mater what but mayby it will bush out. get it under sum kind of light
it looks like my last OG Kush not very good yeild, nice top buds, but kick ass high :) maybe mine was alot fuller but had the same look very lenghty

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
clone in, keep it humid, and put a fan on it a stalk that skinny isnt gonna be able to support much at all
i think this is ur best idea right here (besides the lights....u need lights or u wouldnt be here) clone it...cut the top off put it in some root powder/gel and do it like he said