Help with my Grow Op, PROBLEMS


Okay, here's a rough outline of my grow op so far. There have been a few problems. Should I change anything?

Tupperware with damp paper towel on bottom. 2 more damp paper towels on top. Completely sealed. After 8 hours spooned some more water on, then let sit until a full 27 hours had passed.

Most seeds showed minimal signs of growth. Small Tips and cracking emerged from the seeds. Perhaps rushed to this step. Planted them in paper cups which had potting soil that had been wetted and let to drain for 10 min. Planted all of them 1/2 inch to 1 inch deep, then covered them in plastic bags.

Day 1:
Put them in my cabinet with a light from a lamp, lightbulb is a 6500K daylight CFL. this light was on for 18 hours a day. i later found out that light is supposed to put on after they have already sprouted. Woops :cry:
Day 2:
Kept them lit until about 3 hours before their lights were to be turned off. I was replacing the lamp i use with a much better grow lamp, doesnt block out the sides. Anyways, i didnt have enough time to do this because the parents came home early (no judgement please). So they only had a 15 hour day today. I later fixed the light up.
Day 3: I checked up on the cups when i woke up. the light had fallen and i quickly scooped it off and replaced my grow light with the old lamp i was using. About 3 hours of intense direct light happened to 5 cups, with the others receiving miniimal light because of this fallen light. Later I put the fallen light back with a nail to the ceiling of my set up. I also keep the lamp in my set up with a stepped down CFL, a 5100K bulb. The bagged up cups that had the more intense light also show humidity signs while the rest dont seem to.
They still have not sprouted yet

This is where i am right now.

Main questions:
Should I keep lighting the unsprouted paper cups? or keep it dark until they do sprout?
Are they damaged by the lighting problems or light before sprouting?
How long should i expect sprouting continuing the set up i have now?


I don't know for sure whether it helps or hurts, but I started by germinating 12 seeds (they all sprouted tap roots). I put them in cups and put them under light, and 11 of the 12 popped above the soil. Two did it the first day, but one took about a week.

There isn't any exact schedule


Well-Known Member
as long as it stays warm, above 70 and the soil stays moist they will be ok, if they was cracked before you put them in the soil then they will pop the surface more than likely give them some time, you put them to far down at 1/2 inch to inch, I only put mine down maybe 1/4 inch - 1/2 inch at most and they usually have a 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch tap root already and they still take a day to 4 days. So with you putting yours in with very very small tap roots and putting them that far down they will probably take a bit longer to break surface.

Keep the lighting on them to keep the soil warm and keep the soil moist.


okay thanks for the tips.
I have plastic bagged all my paper cups with the seeds in there to seal in moisture.
Is this a good idea, or should i just remove these and just water them regularly?