HELP!! with my theory.


Active Member
So i wanna grow a plant to be about 1.5 feet tall max and the box has a pretty big width its like as wide as the base of a milk crate.

So i had this idea and i wanted to ask if it made any sense in terms of the science behind growing marijuana which growers are somewhat familiar with... If my premise is correct...

So most growers when their seed sprouts above the soil and they go into vegetative stage they check it after a day and are like ohhh maan it grew a whole pair of leaves and they want it to grow fast and all that... But if youmwere to give the plant like less light like 14 hours say... Then wouldnt it grow slower and be less tall by the timemit matures enough to flower?

Or if you gave it less light wouldnt it actually stretch its stem to get more light and have less leaf nodes.... And would giving it light like crazy make it stay short and bushy?


Well-Known Member
Josef Mengele...........cultivator

"Maybe I could use....a dog's wish-bone.......instead........ehe ehe"


Well-Known Member
If you want to keep it short, look into training methods....topping, LST and SCROG. Keep the light close and this will make the internodes shorter. I would actually think a more intense light would be better. Also keep the MH/blue lights in for the first 2 weeks of flower to help reduce the stretch. But I would look hard at the strain.


Active Member
Would giving it less light be harmful either or could it even tell the plant to flower so early
You can skip the veg period completely if you want and go straight to flowering.Flowering is triggered by how many hrs of light the plant gets not how old it is.You can go 12/12 from seed if you want.


Active Member
So i wanna grow a plant to be about 1.5 feet tall max and the box has a pretty big width its like as wide as the base of a milk crate.

So i had this idea and i wanted to ask if it made any sense in terms of the science behind growing marijuana which growers are somewhat familiar with... If my premise is correct...

So most growers when their seed sprouts above the soil and they go into vegetative stage they check it after a day and are like ohhh maan it grew a whole pair of leaves and they want it to grow fast and all that... But if youmwere to give the plant like less light like 14 hours say... Then wouldnt it grow slower and be less tall by the timemit matures enough to flower?

Or if you gave it less light wouldnt it actually stretch its stem to get more light and have less leaf nodes.... And would giving it light like crazy make it stay short and bushy?
Its all down to the strain and type of lights, distance from plant to lights, nutes, if the plant has room to speed out.
less light could turn it over to flower or just stress it out

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
You can skip the veg period completely if you want and go straight to flowering.Flowering is triggered by how many hrs of light the plant gets not how old it is.You can go 12/12 from seed if you want.
man u beat me to it.
was guna say same if u wanna short plant 12/12 from seed n lil lst to help while its still young.
check out the 12/12 thread from seed" for ideas they no there stuff