help with reflection +rep


uno +rep for u imma def check home depot tommarow, witchdoctor +rep for u for the help and for kitty imma actually try ordering a 400 wat cuz i do want bigger yeilds so imm a try. i tryed givin u more rep kitty but i couldent lol


Well-Known Member
while it may not be as perfect as other options, the before and after difference will be very noticeable. space blankets and mylar suck, tear easily, and are no where near the best option either.

Anyone whos used it, or had to install it on a house will tell you the reflective properties are just fine. And anyone who thinks they will be able to duplicate a 100% perfect sunlight inside, is fooling themselves anyways. your growing a WEED people, it isnt nearly as picky as a lot of you believe. Dont turn it into a science project.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
uno +rep for u imma def check home depot tommarow, witchdoctor +rep for u for the help and for kitty imma actually try ordering a 400 wat cuz i do want bigger yeilds so imm a try. i tryed givin u more rep kitty but i couldent lol
I got ya Kitty, also just noticed that I see a like button now whenever I rep someone? I repped ya for your post below:

Reflectivity of light in a grow op generally requires a suitable sized grow op. Yours is more or less a hobby sized grow. While white walls or mylar are really nice, I'd focus more on the extra / better wattage lights.......
Yep, get the best bang for your buck.

Reflectivity in a grow room is not a science project Unohu, merely maximizing the light which falls off at an amazing rate unless you coat the walls with a suitable reflector. If you're using high wattage HID lighting, it's an absolute nescessity. Not so much with CFLS and lower wattage bulbs tho. The more light intensity, the more the effect. Panda film seems to be the most affordable and efficient coating, but the best is Flat Titanium White mixed at Benjamin Moore. Titanium White is the whitest white you can get that I am aware of, and it is REALLY REALLY white!

Of all the things I see people here obssessing over, reflectivity seems to be way down on the list, yet can mean a huge difference in yeild. When I first put Panda up in the room, it was like I added another 1K light. I did the walls, floors, and ceiling.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yea, white paint is great too. I use flat white paint on the walls that are drywalled, and I just make a panda film tent to create the rest of the wall for the room.

Flat white paint is about 85% reflective, which is still pretty good. I was cautioned against using semi-gloss or gloss because it can supposedly reflect light on to the plant in a matter than could burn it...


Well-Known Member
yeah i understand the maximizing the light thing. I have seen people grow with nothing at all on the walls, and be pretty successful. and sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do. I never said it was the absolute best option, just a really good one, and unless people here actually try it, compare it, then really, what information are they bringing to the table? Just saying something sucks doesnt mean much to me if it hasnt been tried is all.

I never say AN nutes suck, Iv never tried them, I do think FoxFarm nutes suck tho, as iv used it, and was not pleased with the results at all.

I agree there are good, better, best options. And we saw a huge difference in the grow room with tyvek over mylar blankets, or reflective foil type stuff. and so far the tyvek was the most effective stuff we have used. And it was free, so cant bitch about that.

I deff would use Panda Plastic if I had it. Sometimes spare cash isnt so easy to spare for grow supplies, and I understand people need options that they are gonna be able to afford. That Gotham site is probly one of the best prices iv seen on the stuff tho, and would probly be the best overall option. 150' of tyvex for $90 Vs 100' Panda for $70, id deff go with the panda.

And I just found it (the Panda Plastic) last night, so not like I was trying to be ignorant about it, I just needed more information....

I have heard about the flat titanium white paint also, but again, its not something I have used, but I am looking at painting my next room, so that might just be a option I use, does it have to be Benjamin Moore? or will the HD Behr paint be just as good? Iv painted professionally and from my experience the Behr paint is one of the best available. Thanx Jack, as always I appreciate your help.


Well-Known Member
yea thumb tacks or tape. i didnt like thumbtacks, that shit starts ripping and it just goes. also another option is that crap they sell you for your windshield to keep the light out, thats also mylar. if they dont have those either... get a bunch of balloons, the silver side is also mylar......

or flat white paint.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
I've never used the tyvex, you're right, only looked at it in the store and thought I'd be better off with the black/white poly.

I haven't heard about the flat titanium white paint. I imagine it would be more reflective. I used Behr flat white, I believe just the premium or whatever. It seems like more light reflects off the sides of the white poly than my white wall, although that may be because I'm standing right next to the poly and 4 feet from the wall...

Oh, and I won't say AN nutrients suck, but I can vouch that they are a terrible company. I ordered their entire "organic" line for greners because they said I would be able to return everything for my money back if I didn't like it...well, none of their organic products are ACTUALLY organic, except the Voodoo Juice...

So after using them for a flowering cycle and being extremely disappointed in the fact that nothing smelled or tasted organic and my yields hadn't increased, I called Greners and they informed me that I would have to send the nutrients back to greners, and they would send them to AN and I would have my money back within a few days...I spend over 70 bucks of my own money sending those back for a 900 dollar refund. Never got a dime. I fought with greners for months, sent emails to AN.....nothing.

They stole my money, and then they stole my nutrients lmao. Just thought I'd get that off my chest since you mentioned them lol, maybe that little rant will help someone else buy from a better company...

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Unohu, Didnt mean to come off like I was knocking ya. Sorry if it did. Im with ya on the knocking things we havent tried. It's HARD to get someone to mix a titanium white at a paint store. The clerk at Benjamin Moore just happened to be an art major, and knew what it was.

I shit you not Panda is about the best way I have found to brighten up a room, and thats the BEST price I've seen on the stuff. Great find!


Well-Known Member
I only say tyvek because A) i believe its pretty damn good for what it is, and B) i get mine free. Yes, Black/White poly probly is better, but iv never seen it at homedepot, and local hydro shops really do tend to be overpriced. So i dont really buy much from them, usually a few consumables like, net pots, grow bags, and such. For the record, my local grow shop is probly one of the best places to get house plants, always super healthy and vibrant. way better than walmart, or HD plants, and usually pretty cheap for little ones.

I never used panda film, so I cant sit here and say its bad, i just always think its pretty pricey for plastic, and really most places only charge so much cuz they know what your using it for. and im always looking for a ingenious way to use common products to achieve my goals for less money. The titanium paint may very well be great also, so i will try it.

I only used AN as an example cuz A LOT of people come on grow forums and bash them because of all the bad reports about them praying on newb growers, and being overpriced, etc. etc. etc., with out ever using the products for themselves. I do feel bad for you, and your experience with them, thats a bullshit way to treat customers no matter what line of business your in.

I guess my overall point was, "dont knock it, till ya try it" if then, you dont think it gives the performance your looking for, well time to try something else. Thats what life is all about.

That and a good discussion is always nice.


No worries Jack, I dont get offended easily. And we have chatted before, I know your AOK, and didnt mean anything by it.
Like I said, I appreciate your input also.

Sorry Sourhaze, not trying to jack your thread, you asked a question, just trying to make sure you get all the information to make a educated decision.


its kool im actually likeing the discussion so i dont mind i really dont wanna paint my walls so can i find the panda stuff at homedepot or a local store ??? i have another question actually i have some germed seeds that i put in pellets they usually sprout like in 3 days for me but for some reason im on the 8 th day n they are just pushing up the dirt the grow conditions are 79 degrees humityi in dome is 85-95 % ts the same batch of seeds ande same enviorment weird????


rrrrrrrr very upset i just found out y my seeds are fighting to sprout i usualy buy jiffy pellets for my seeds but for some reason i tryed these eco pellets that are made of coco fiber or something and my seeds hated those shyt i just transplanted my little germed seeds n hopefully (Ikeeping my fingers crossed) they will sprout n grow!! i have 2 kushberry seeds that are my last of that strain i would be mad if i lost it n i have plenty of headband seeds so im good with that


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have not seen a white/black plastic plastic at homdepot personally. Your HD may have some hard sayin.

Far as your seeds go, you didnt mention storage method or overall age of the seed. But that all may have something to do with time to germ now. Im no expert, its a suggestion...

I was also wondering if you had considered a grow tent? I myself didnt think they were worth it, however after much deliberation, Im thinking for the cost, they are a pretty good deal. fully enclosed, light proof, easily torn down and stashed if the need arises. Figure a roll of panda is gonna be pretty close to a benjamin, but for an extra bill (i know, they are gettn harder to find lately) you get a nice clean, grow room. that if done right, wont leave any lasting modifications to your house.

idk, just been seriously considering gettn one myself, figured id mention it. for around 200$ i can score like a 6'4"x6'4"x6'4" tent. it would do what i need for now.