help with the Smell

bus driver

Active Member
hey guys so can anyone help me with keeping the smell out of the rest of my apartment and keep it only in my room/growroom? Any help would be awesome....

bus driver

Active Member
alright..... i have a 4X4X10 grow space (closet). i have two blankets covering the 9 foot tall 3 1/2 foot wide door. there is a window not too far away but want to stay away from that because of outside odors. (i'd rather have my entire apartment smell like bomb ass than my neighbors calling the cops haha) but other than that i have one oscalating fan in the room....i just need to taper the smell so i can have company without the entire world knowing i have a grow....

Please help.....


Active Member
you need some sort of ventilation bringing fresh air in and old air out. An exhaust fan with a carbon scrubber attached should deal with the smell. Other things you may want to invest in are odor killer like Ona Gel. A more pricey solution is an ozone generator.

I hope that helps.



Active Member
With the ventillation If your exhaust fan is pulling out more air than your input is replacing it will cause a negative pressure, something like that, and keep the smell in your grow room.

And as long as it's in your grow room and eventually out your exhaust and carbon scrubber. you should be fine.