help with undergrond growroom setup!


i want to gro sum killa chronic but need help the underground rm setup i have a 17m x8m x 8m i want to do the whole rm s.o.g with sum heavy yielding strains.. ive have studied jorge c. bible and think im ready for my first grow but i still dnt entierly get how to make a good enviorments for my babies lke how too set up an underground ac and how will the air escape so new air we be rotating i now about the fans but i mean the air has too get out of rm the rite (underground)? pls help:weed:


Active Member
How much start up cash ya got? Without $10-20,0000 I'd say it'd be pretty hard to start correctly right from go.
get a ductless/mini-split a/c, search ebay. You don't want intake or exhaust, you want it sealed air tight, get a c02 controller and supplement c02. Fresh air invites to many problems and a sealed room with c02 will produce way better results.


yea i was thinking of spending my savings on this got sum 15000 but if needed counld do bit more .... i got a towable generator to stay of the grid so thats covered


get a ductless/mini-split a/c, search ebay. You don't want intake or exhaust, you want it sealed air tight, get a c02 controller and supplement c02. Fresh air invites to many problems and a sealed room with c02 will produce way better results.
so using a co2 controlled system theres no need for intake or exhaust fans? how many mini-splits u think ill need?
so using a co2 controlled system theres no need for intake or exhaust fans? how many mini-splits u think ill need?
Depends on how many and what wattage lights you get, you'll want to match the BTU's of the a/c to the watts.
I can also hook you up with major discounts on anything your looking for.
with a sealed room, you'll want a few air circulating fans. lots of air movement. then your have you carbon filters act as scrubbers.


Depends on how many and what wattage lights you get, you'll want to match the BTU's of the a/c to the watts.
I can also hook you up with major discounts on anything your looking for.
with a sealed room, you'll want a few air circulating fans. lots of air movement. then your have you carbon filters act as scrubbers.
well i wanna go big on the lights because my main goal is to get a BIG overall yield ... i have a 20KW(20,000wts) genarator and planiin to stay off the grid with it but how many watage in lights will u recomend ?
well i wanna go big on the lights because my main goal is to get a BIG overall yield ... i have a 20KW(20,000wts) genarator and planiin to stay off the grid with it but how many watage in lights will u recomend ?
you can do about 40 girls with 3 1000 watters, if you do it right, that would yeild between 4 and 7 lbs.
you want to go bigger then that?


was planin on using 600 wt air cooled lamps so they can be closer to babies...........wats the yield u think ill get if i s.o.g all them and say i put sum 60 600 wt lights... il need another genartor too


ok so better yet maybe we can change plans a bit ..wat would u say would be the way to get the highest yield i can using this rm area? sumthins instead of sog
ok so better yet maybe we can change plans a bit ..wat would u say would be the way to get the highest yield i can using this rm area? sumthins instead of sog
maximum yield with faster times=hydro
better tasting and quality,little more time=soil
soil is easier,but you will need to do work either way you go.
here is a shot of my room, you can see the a/c on the wall in the back left, next to that is a scrubber, I have 5 girls in flower right now
I should get between a half lb and a lb from them.

they are in subcool's supersoil, I feed them nothing but p.h ed r/o water