

Well-Known Member
You don't want the roots of your plant sitting constantly in moisture, that will lead to root rot, what is your medium, soil or hydro?


thats Defianetly a good thing bro root like like DEETEE said your crippling your plants what are you running? whats your set up are you in a tent garage outdoors?


I look at it like this bro you ever see peoples tooth brush cups in there restrooms? we use to use a cup until one day i know its at the bottom of the cup the water was fkn gross grey and weird shit. now imagine if your retaining water in your pots or bucks that have nutrients and shit that are not draining properly your essentially killing them and could lead to salt deposits on roots and its just taking away from your plants potential. environment is key brother. I run coco and I got a 6x12x8 tent and i make sure my plants drain and feed them accordingly, if something is off it is a nightmare. I customized the shit out of my tent tho I'm running a mini split and 2 1k watt lights which I'm going to add a third co2 70 pint dehumidifier and iPonic600 controller if you feel like its draining to fast get a moisture sensor and dump it in there man


Active Member
All good in the hood bro.... Just read your girls and keep watered only when needed. Keep us posted.

Good luck!

Yeah I have a tent also and run fox farm unfortunately but run a 1000 watt until flower and then two .. But yes I need a sensor that would help .. I just feel like when they drain that quick I'm gonna have to water them the next day

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Active Member
That's not true drainage is access water that the soil can't hold.
Meaning the soil is still holding onto all the water it can, meaning it won't dry up in a day unless it's some cheap stick filled soil.
Ocean forest soil .. But I pour water in a pot once .. And it drains it shouldn't drain on one pour if it hasn't been watered

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Yeah I water once or twice a week when I see they need it ... But do you use grow big etc

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