Hemp + mari


Active Member
High, i got this crazy idea again, this time thinkin bout making seeds, and developing new strains... here I go

So i had this experimental grow with HEMP plants, i grew em under 18 /6 light cycle and after about 3 weeks, their sex-life is already blooming ... Hempy pistils are showing, male plants got their balls hangin all over n shit :-P

SO... it seems like those HEMP plants got somekinda ruderalis??maybe some autoflower genie in them or what?

SO#2 ... If i mate 1 male hemp and 1 female marijuana plant, or the other way around, will i have some autoflower strain seeds ???? :P:-P



Active Member
Well, there's no simple way to answer your question, but, in theory, the autoflowering genotype is, to my knowledge, recessive. So, if you say that both plants possess the autoflowering genes, then much of those offspring should carry full recessive traits.
