Hempwood Forest


yo bro, i see u have some nice results.
did u cut the bottom of the pot? it looks like u didnt. i think that might have made your plants much bigger, since they could expend into the ground.
(damn i am sure the last sentense is gramaticaly worng)
ant any rate, mazal tov and good smokin to ya dear friend.
what's your next project? indoor grow? or u just gonna chil till spring?


Well-Known Member
I totally should have cut the bottom of the pots off that would have been awesome!! the MK1 got to be about 3 feet tall in a 2 gallon pot, so I'm thinking she will be a monster if I plant in the ground! My next project is to find somewhere I can grow indoor, and then I'm gonna revisit hempwood forest in around Feb and get ready, probably germinate next years run around Jan/Feb and have them ready in march


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Hempwood Forest is starting ID growing (a second time, with much better stuff)
right now I got:
Auto candy kush
wet, one of each. Today I will wet one more of each. Update with pics of their home coming, going to do CFL for veg, LED for bloom. 1 set of beans will be soil, 1 set will be hydro. Hopefully I can tell which is which. I think, the DWC are mainly gonna be DWC x DWC, as I hand pollinated it with the DWC male, the WT are gonna be either WT x WT, WT x DWC (would be nice...) DWC x Black russian (no clue, both BR were male)
Got a TIMER this time, should be most useful. So good updates should be on the way, the beans will pop soon I hope :)


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ok boys and girls here (s)he is (hoping for a girl of course :) just about 5 inches tall, on the 4th node. the leaves are definately fatter this time than the original afghan hindu, however the skinny leaves didn't seem to appear till after the 4-5 node.

Not making an appearance are the numerous DWC and WT that I have cause there are about 10 of each, they started their second node today actually, When I went down to look at them they had a tiny extra bit poking around the single leaf, when I got home from work they were full leaves. I wish I had a way to film it, and play it super fast lol that would be awesome. I also have a few auto? that are going. I hope they keep the auto traight, and that I only get one or two boys.



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Here we go. lost my camera, and my phone. found both my camera and phone, then proceeded to lose said phone about 30 seconds later. wow, I wasn't even high...

first two pics are my purple pheno afghan/hindu kush. The leaves appear as though they are gonna stay a bit fatter this time, but it is a bit early to tell. I kinda fucked with the roots a bit too much, and she has slowed down growth a bit (I was gonna move to DWC then realized I didn't know what the hell I was doing, and moved back to soil) I have several little ones going, mostly wild thai and double white cheese, also some floor seeds (I have 7-8 strains that I ran, all had seeds due to males, floor seeds are ones that I can't remember the mom) the 2 very little ones are Molokai kush (very very potent, extremely sour and musky smell) got 2 5 gallon buckets set up for a couple potential moms. The one in the biggest pot is a double white cheese.

My plan is to get these little ones big enough to top, and then I will clone. I am going to put all of the clones into a 5-10 gallon tote, and run a dwc system there. This way I am able to flower all of them in one container, and I will be able to pick and choose keepers. I will ONLY be keeping 1-2 mom's of each though. so my plan before april 2014 is to get a dwc, MK, WW, wild thai, and a couple house mixes going for outdoors.



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got a couple nice names for my home grown, self made genetics. my bros got a good rap game going, one of them is actually getting signed sometime within the next couple days, he made the trip already...
we got
Gallon Gang Ganja Silver
Gallon Gang Ganja Platinum,

they left me a couple bags of seeds, I got them germing right now, hope I get a good female out of them :)

I'm trying to get the fruity tasting strains and adding the DWC to the mix. It has a really sour flavour to it, I'm not sure which is more sour, DWC or the Molokai Kush. Definately thinking of some good strains to add to the mix, C99, and BCBD Sweet tooth, maybe the shiatsu kush, which was recommended to me as well. Hopefully I get some good moms to throw outdoors in April.


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not wanting to jinx myself, but 90% sure its a girl, and I have 12 or so more that are about a week away from their first hair cut. have some pics, but can't post as I forgot the connector for the computer, oh well. nothing much to show anyway for now


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so my mom found out I had her camera, so I had to give it back, now I will have to find another way to take pics :(, misplaced the memory card that has my good pics on it, so not much to tell. I transplanted a few of what I had into 2 liter bottles, when I get 12 plants that are big enough, I will take them and start to flower, and then keep what looks like the healthiest ones. so far they are all doing peachy, and are starting to fatten up. I will be trying for a few more clones, but first I need some root gel/powder, not in any hurry though, I think they can take their time


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It's most definitely a girl! And I'm pretty sure one more and one boy. I'm gonna top em and kill the boys. The afghan is growing huge I wish I had done this the first time. My nodes are all less than half inch so I'm keeping them tight for lots of clones. Everything smells now if I go in an move stuff around it starts smelling like skunk. I am not getting the grape smell yet but I am getting the purplish tones on the leafs.


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a few updates, so i know i have a girl for sure, and judging by their structure and developement, I see a few other girls, one boy, I just know its a boy. he hasn't shown me a thing, and i'm just contemplating keeping it to make sure, or going with gut feeling and saving the soil for a fem. I have tons of seeds lol, so I think i will kill it. i have a few that are big enough to top, so i will do that shortly


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so far have not killed the one I think is a boy, but i am about to get some kind of clone gel to make sure. I did a few more clones of the afghan/hindu, and it seems to have polyploid on me. is that even possible? I have never seen it before, but this is the first time that I have topped multiple times, and this was after the first topping. the weirdest part is that two of my clones have the normal 2 leaves and two of them have the 3 leaves at each node. I will be cloning more tonight before work if I can get a ride there, but i need a nap lol, I have started working overnights... I should begin flowering within a week! I have also started 10x Molokai kush seeds.

I put up a strain review on seedfinder.eu for the Double White Cheese, finally got around to doing it, if there were other hits for some of the other strains I ran I would fill them out, but i haven't seen any yet.


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here is a pic, to try to see if anyone can see what I'm seeing, or has seen it before. The one on the left is normal, the one on the right is triploid. both came from the same plant. I have a freak!


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Got a lot of new life in the room! My clones are doing good, all have rooted except the couple I just took and the triploid. That one is still going strong though. Im praying that she roots!! Got a new phone, and a pretty sweet camera to go with it. All I need now are steady hands. Some pics of randomness for ya

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Got some pics the ones with the fat roundy leaves are molokai kush x something and the sharper leaves are double white cheese x something. Most of my clones have rooted so it's about a week before I put into flower to see what I got. I got 3 in flower now, they have all started to stretch but no sign of sex which I guess is good. I am starting to see preflowers but they are too small to distinguish. My mk 2, black cheese and one green pheno ahk popped too. I found a sprout in my bag of perlite from a seed I must have dropped blue Thai cracked open, but snickers has not yet... that's all for now

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Some pics of my second site. These have been vegging since before thanksgiving, should be a nice show when we flip in a few weeks. Fat stalks all around 2 to 3 foot and starting to branch. If I could figure out how to add video I would.

Got 90% of my clones to root even my tiny ones. I have only had 3 deaths and 2 were from the same plant so maybe it was hard to clone. I'm feeling great about where I'm at, I just wish I had people to talk to and share the joy. 1391079414533.jpg
Here are some I have in liter bottles. My goal is to get at least one clone and flower the parents. since I started with a few specific types and flavors I will be trying to find specific phenos to breed.
Firstly the grapeghanistan. The sole surviving seed is female (I will feel salty if I stressed it to a him) and it has a weird defect or what have you. It seems to try to turn triploid. I have a second cutting that is starting 3 leaves per node.1391079636677.jpg this is the first one. Much larger and pronounced.
This is the second I drew arrows. Does it look triploid? I'm hoping to have retained the grape taste and purple hues but add the bulk from dwc and a sour taste as well. Ahk turned dark purple, dwc turned a little purple, so time will tell.

Got dwc in the solo cup contest, I'm hoping to have some fun with it and maybe learn something while doing it. I have a dwc x black Russian in flower I can tell by the shape of the leaves. I hope it's a heavy hitter and everything seems fat and indica. Can't wait to get some nutes on these and flower, ri th t now I'm not giving them much extra and they are doing fine. A dwc in flower looks a little nitro light so I added some general nutes. Looking forward to warmer weather I have 300 seeds to sow!
I really liked dwc the first go round and one of the monster yielding phenos had Super tight nodes and seemed a bit fuller. I hope to find it again, and improve on molokai kush with the dwc. I have 3 ww started one I am going to mainline right from the first node.
I want to find the melon pheno from wild Thai and capitalize on the flavor. The high was the best but the yield was a little light and frost was a little light (time was a huge factor as I did not start until July.) Sour cantaloupe sounds sexy.
I hope to add a blueberry taste... who has the best blueberry weed?

Once again I have a few bag seeds. One of the sprouted the fattest leaves I've seen on such a small plant. I will be flowering clones when I have a nice root system, and a few mothers so I can germ more beans.

Throw me a line and let me know what you think about my skills. All this so far with a few 100w cfls. Looking forward to the led switch. Sooooon! I can't wait to get my own bud porn going and I hope I get some people to watch with me
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Afghan Hindu x dwc mainline. I'm going to put root powder on the two branches coming from the very bottom when I transplant outdoors in march
A bunch of clones. Almost all of them are afghan hundu.the bigger ones are parent plants1391820800327.jpg

Another big parent. I have 3. Ahk x dwc dwc x dwc and kandy kush x dwc.

Hope they look good.

Everything I had in flower was male. I think I heat stressed them. I'm in the solo cup contest. I expect to come in dead last but it will be fun
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So some updates. My mom stopped by to help me clean a bit. She was gonna drop her coat in my room so the dog didn't eat it. Opens door. I'm just gonna put these right he- good god it smells like weed I'll use the closet.

Thanks mom and your super sensitive nose. Will have to look into that cause I don't smell it much.
I'm about to post a YouTube clip for cloning, my way which is a little different I guess. I had my razor in my pocket and used it and the clones lived... here is my other site. 9 plants. Some of them my own creation some of them bag seed my friend planted. Mostly mine tho. All around 2 feet or so tall we are growing them natural there. I might do some clones just to see what's up. Pics speak louder than words so here we go.

All doing really good. One more month of veg, or when I get an led. I'm using
6x 100w cfl (42 actual)
8x 60w cfl (26 actual)
With reflector turkey pan and a plastic tote reflector too. Aluminum siding for the room. 3 of the 60w lights are at the bottom of the canopies shining up. Smell is kind of a stinky fuel skunk with an undertone of sweet fruit. Weird combo I know... anyway that is where I am today thanks for looking. Hope I'm doing as good as I think I am.
Kandy kush x dwc
Afghan Hindu x dwc
3 ww x dwc

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