Hempy bucket PH issue - help!


Well-Known Member
So I'm doing a hempy grow, 100% perlite.

I started watering at aprox 6.0 ph, everything seemed ok until I had some very minor deficiency issues about 8 or 9 days ago. I checked the PH of my runoff and it was coming out at aprox 7-7.5. That is way too high. Since then I've been watering at very low PH, around 4-5 PH. In that time the PH has dropped about .3 - .5 and the plants look much better. Still the runoff averages 7.0 even after quite a bit of watering...

I'm curious, should I continue to water at extremely low PH until the runoff is much lower? should I just water at 5.8ish and let hempy work its magic? Would long term watering at 4-5 PH hurt the plants even if the runoff stays high PH?

I did some internet and rollitup searches for similar issues, several people had the the same issue as me but nobody really had a good answer.

Help from people with experience with hempy is much appreciated and will receive +rep!


Well-Known Member
I run Hempy buckets in a perpetual garden alongside Aero/DWC, and actually do not bother checking the pH of the runoff; I've found that if the plant seems to be either running low or hot it's always best to just flush the bucket with H2O until the water runs clear and then when the medium runs dry just feed the plant a normal dosage.

I used to take the which nutrient is deficient/why is the pH fluxing path of troubleshooting, but have found that the flush and re-feed approach takes care of most all situations that can occur in a bucket.

Hope this helps, Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. Flushing seems like a possible fix but I'm still hoping to hear from someone who tracks the ph of their hempy.


Well-Known Member
Good luck, I do believe most folks using Hempy buckets forgo pH'ing as it rarely becomes an issue in these buckets as long as the water of the pH is good coming in.


I'm also finding that unless the pH of the feeding is low, about 5, then the leaves start to twist and complain.