Hempy Bucket vs. Fox Farm Soil


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna start something in about a week and i'm trying to decide.
I'm about 90% leaning toward the hempy bucket with perlite/vermiculite but today at the grocery store half a block from my place I saw they stock Fox Farm soil and nutrients. I was shocked! Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom plus a bunch of other soluble ferts. The soil was only $5.99 so I'm trying to start a discussion on the differences of Hempy Bucket and soil, indoor under t5 and cfls.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Once you come over to the dark side (Hempy Buckets) you won't want to mess around with the soil. There is a small learning curve but after that it seems very easy to manage.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I start my clones in 20 oz coffee cups and then to plastic coffee containers. Once they are ready to flower I transfer them into the 5 gal buckets. So far all is well and I am just getting started with the flower cycle. I am very excited.


Well-Known Member
my xj13 clone has been in the hempy for about 4 days with little growth. about when should i start seeing growth and is it ok to give it FF grow big??

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It depends on the size of the container and the size of the root mass. Once the roots hit the res at the bottom of the container they really take off.


Well-Known Member
the bucket is about 1.5 gallons. is it safe to use FF grow big and tiger bloom in a hempy bucket or do i need hydro nutes?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
As long as they are water soluble you should be fine. It took about 2 weeks for mine to ht the res on a 5 gal backet. Yours should get there sooner. The trick is to make sure the roots don't dry out on the way down there.