here it is


Well-Known Member
Howdy all.
Just posting the last pictures of me grow. can hardly see the keey board
big it up all you green fingered people. it's my firs grow and i am very happy
8 plants In soil 400w MH 6 weeks veg. 400w HPS for flower. 5 females. (2 males and a hermie). (I practiced dryng them) then someone made butter.
The pictures show one cola (seadmans Hindu skunk) in the jar (and in front) she was a monster. the bag in the backgound is the leaf clippings and lower crap buds. (gonna try some hash making) The others turned out to be the free purple haze seeds that came as a bonus. It doesn't seem to weigh anything, but smokes like a beauty, and it seems to only get better.
keep on keeping on.
From Afro the clown with miles of smiles.:mrgreen:

