Here we go! White Widow, Nothern Lights, Lemon Cake, Ak-47

sorry about the double posts I'm using a laptop from 2004 until this is done then maybe I will upgrade ;). I saw some leafs with some holes in them on two plants that are close to each other. I hope I don't have the beginning of an infestation. They look like puncture wounds so I went out and bought a shit ton of lady bugs and released them into my room. I put a handful (20-30 on all and >50/plant with signs of pest) of ladies on each lady. Hopefully they eat everything. I also want to set up a perimeter of diatomaceous earth to dessicate anything that walks towards my plants. A neem spray is going to be purchased and used if I start to see frass on the leaves. I don't want to put an insecticide on my leaves if I don't have to.

I'm going to have to check out where thrips lay their eggs...probably on leaves so I will probably end up getting the neem anyway. Does anyone know this off the top of their head. Any entomologist out there....or does anyone have a copy of an insect handbook...I lost mine in the move ;(
I think it was a false alarm on the insects....I dumped all those lady bugs on my room and by the end of the day they were crawling on the ceiling and windows looking for a way to get out. So there must not have been any tasty morsels on the plants. They leaves under review had little slits that appeared lighter. At first I thought it was the result of bugs using their ovipositors to lay eggs but it had an exact picture of my problem in Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible under light intensity stress... I backed the bad mofos off a little (another 4 chain links) if problem continues I will raise an additional 4 links until the light intensity is no longer an issue.


New Member
fuck bro thats a bomb ass set up you got a big ass room just to grow lucky by the way your plants are looking bomb great job
Light guy nutes are going alright. The third picture is a picture of a burned plant. Either that or salt build up. There are 2 plants that are like this; the one I took a picture of and the smallest 3 leaf AK plant. However both 3 leaf AK's are so incredibly small that I am having fears that my clone supplier stuck a few reverts in the mix...asshole. But either way the root structure in these too plants is much much smaller than the rest of the ladies. They take a full 1.5 days longer to dry out. I'm pretty sure the northerns with the tip burn is salt build up and will be flushed again today or tomorrow as soon as the plants dry a little.

I do think I need to let my water sit for a while in my room to adjust to the room temperature better and I am going to start pH'ing my water and requiring the instrument to be dead on 6.3 for an hour before watering.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear Denk... Looks great! Yeah i try to let my water sit for a while before i do anything with it as well since i dont have access to R/O right now...
I have an RO unit but I still let my water sit too. But I do it so the temperature of the water will equilibrate with my room temp so I am not putting 50 degree ground water into my plants and cold shocking them. ... at least I'm trying not to. Well today is the final flush before flower nutrients are added. Please keep checking out my posts. I will be posting pics later tonight after watering. I am so excited to start flowering these ladies. I can't wait to have my own bud :)
Plants were given their last plain watering before the flowering cycle begins. I am going to the grow shop tomorrow morning and I am going to purchase Advanced Nutrients Tarantula and Piranha for additional beneficial microbes. The flowering cycle is going to begin as soon as they dry from this watering and will the dark cycle will be expanded from 1:30-7:30 to 10:30-10:30.

Mylar was added on top of the black visqueen to increase reflectivity. It's kinda far away from the light source so I don't know if it will actually benefit the plants but it looks cool, I already bought it, and I wanted to play with something shiny ;).

pH'd runoff of plants with build up problems 5.6-6.0, runoff of non problem plants 6.1-6.3
all plants were watered until run off....some plants required as much as 5L !!!

I also switched around the 3rd fan that I had. It was on a carbon filter in the middle of my room but it was moved to be a cold air intake from the lower level as you can see.

Maybe talking to your plants really does pay off in the end. Fuzzy logic system reading >1200 ppm CO2 in the unboosted room (going to turn in a couple 50 lb welding tanks for CO2 ... might already be a CO2 tank with it... then it will be on) when the average is 700. This was after spending an hour or so in the room working, and breathing.
Here they are after the feed



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you did a good job of sealing the room up. Keep in mind that breathing on or around the unit can also give you a falls reading co2 concentration of the entire room, though spending time in a well sealed room will def raise co2 levels and is just plain good for the plants. They look like its gonna blow up pretty soon and those stalks are looking healthy.-
Just the reading on the the controller when I finished watering. I spend the least amount of time possible by the ballasts and the semi-jumbled mess of wires. Probably not from standing next to it. It takes a lot of breathing to carry the water up the flight of stairs. A full watering is taking near 155 L to get adequate runoff.

What do you think about the mylar? Are my walls close enough to the plants to make a difference? Or would I have to have something closer to the plants the mylar on that? Should I put it on the ceiling? Does it help with heat signatures (even though I am legal through the police, I was able to talk a thermal camera out of my physics lab said it was to check for air leaks, and thieves use them to look for random grow-ops)?


Well-Known Member
def. spent quite a few greenbacks on the setup.. that's for sure.

I personally keep things simple though. I use a specific brand of soil that I've had great luck with, plastic grow pots, water and nutrients.

That's all I need to grow some bomb ass buds. ;) Soil, water, plastic grow pots, lighting, seeds, and a few fans.. and I'm good to grow!

But then again, I'm not a dealer.. I don't sell any of my buds.. I never grow more than three plants per grow either.. as I only grow for my personal

enjoyment only.. nobody else`s... only grow for my personal consumption.. so I really don't need a fancy dancy setup..

my basic setup does the job quite well... ;)

But hey, yours is def. looking good. All your ladies look quite healthy too.. so your doing great so far.. just make sure you keep an eye on every single one of them... keep them watered whenever needed and fed whenever needed.. and give adequate air flow in the room for the plants.. and come harvest time.. you'll have.. well, you specifically.. you should have a few pounds total yield.. considering the number of plants you have going.

Good luck. I'll have to check back on this one in a few weeks and see how things are going then.

Best of luck to ya and your ladies!



Well-Known Member
Just the reading on the the controller when I finished watering. I spend the least amount of time possible by the ballasts and the semi-jumbled mess of wires. Probably not from standing next to it. It takes a lot of breathing to carry the water up the flight of stairs. A full watering is taking near 155 L to get adequate runoff.

What do you think about the mylar? Are my walls close enough to the plants to make a difference? Or would I have to have something closer to the plants the mylar on that? Should I put it on the ceiling? Does it help with heat signatures (even though I am legal through the police, I was able to talk a thermal camera out of my physics lab said it was to check for air leaks, and thieves use them to look for random grow-ops)?
Im not sure about the effectivnes of the mylar being so far away but it def doesn't hurt. Im sure you can get great results without putting mylar on every sq foot of the room. I dont know about the heat sig either but my guess would be no. Thats crazy about fking rippers looking for opps like that!!! I hate rippers!!! especially the ones with badges and helicopters lol. Just keep everything in-check and dont over love your plants. Everything looks great keep it up!
So it has been a while since my last post and I figured I would share some new info. Well I haven't been writing on here as much as I was because my computer took a shit...then the gf took off and took her camera with her...but now I got a loaner computer and a loaner camera so here we go again.

Plants were flipped to 12/12 on 7.30.10 and were given there first flower feed that day 1000 ppm / pH 6.3 as per the Ad.Nut. feeding schedule. Plants took three days to dry out before needing to be watered again. Plants were given there 2nd feed 1200 ppm / pH 6.3 Hobbyist level + final phase for bloom enhancers.

It has been a while since you have seen them. The average height of the left side was 23 inches before the flip, avg height now = 37 inches. Right side plants were a little shorter and had a larger range for their average height. The right side is growing slower ... most likely due to the greater distance from the light? also I separated them by height in the beginning so they may have just been slower growing phenotypes.

Well here they are


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comment on my journal Denk... Must say i am way jealous.. what i would give for that amount of space... Looks great man!!!! I am way happy with the NL i got.. i'll be watching though i'd like to see how your NL's turn out compared to or in this instance how mine compares to yours... Keep up the good work!