Herm to Fem


Well-Known Member
if you pollinate a female plant with hermy pollen what are the chances of feminized seeds, ive heard that ppl make a female go hermi save the pollen, pollinate a female and get fem seeds so will a normal hermy impregnate a seperate female=feminized seed, ive read a bit but am still not clear


Uses the Rollitup profile
That's not quite the way it works. And the whole subject of breeding is pretty complex, but basically, hermy trait is not desireable, so should not be continued.

For feminized seeds, what you are thinking of is causing a known female to produce pollen sacks on 1 crop, and that pollen must pollinate flowers on the same plant for feminized seed to form. It's not something that most hobby growers can accomplish.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well i thought this was the "advanced cultivation thread" so of corse it is complex but from all i've read you save the pollen from a female that you stress to make it grow balls now you have female pollen impregnating another female so a plant that has been stressed into goin herm can create fem seed but a plant that goes herm from stress can't:confused: just doesn't sound right to me... if i had the room for it i would experiment maybe i will in the new year. has anyone tried planting a seed from a fem that got impregnated by a herm or just throw em away and say it must be herm seed
That's not quite the way it works. And the whole subject of breeding is pretty complex, but basically, hermy trait is not desireable, so should not be continued.

For feminized seeds, what you are thinking of is causing a known female to produce pollen sacks on 1 crop, and that pollen must pollinate flowers on the same plant for feminized seed to form. It's not something that most hobby growers can accomplish.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
From what ive read females may sometimes produce the odd set of balls :D

You need them balls to pollinate the same plant for feminized seeds :)

Basically the plant needs to get itself up the duff :D

Were lucky incest is not a problem amongst plants :D


Well-Known Member
i belive you let the plant flower past maturity and as a last chance mechanism to ensure life the next season its balls drop