hermaphrodite?or became useless?


Well-Known Member
hi guys here i was growing this one with my #1 on a 12/12 but since all my bubble are not high well i think it miss some light and it i think it turned into something useless???its fucked up i guess and im scared that this thing will blow up my #3 and last one Kali mist 90% sativa

the first one blown me so high goshhh but the #2 one is gonna die....???

this #3 is on a good mood tho!!! look at this and tell me whats wrong whole room include in pic for more.....well u know so you guys doctor can help me victim xD

heres the pic of them and how im setted up

BTW : the #2 is like...if he had some mini balls im not sure...but they ggot hair thru it and hummm its not growing normally its like...if it was in a freakking long term end-flowering thing without any budds on it just the flower grown o_O wierd isnt it?

also the stems or the leaves are somelike ...overgrown the stem near the hummm T if we can call it a T what relie the stem from a Stem??? is like....BUBBLED...its like if blood wasnt going anywhere in my arms but stuck in the shoulder making it ....get more bigger in a bubbling form.at the joint placce u get the image i think..im woondering if it wont explode also xDD its really really bubbling

sorry if i didnt catch any close caption 17inch laptop is hard to carry on with a lil micro webcam in the front cover rofl!

also is having the light under the plant instead of above it making a difference??will the plant still grow upward or it will try to expend in largeness or something wrong happen???



Active Member
try and get a better picture of the pistalite where you think its flowering.. from those pictures it doesn't even look like its in flowering and I could be wrong, but that other plant looks way to young to get seeded... so I dont think its so important to yank that other, but that other one looks very unhealthy, should work on trying to make a little healthier.


the second and third pic definitely show a female. I dont see any pollen sacs. First pic is too blurry for me to tell


Well-Known Member
I very much doubt that those plants have started to show sex, do a tad more research on sexing your plant, plus you are going to want more light when you decide to flower. Also the plant looks a tad unhealthy, cant really tell from pic but may be overwatering


Well-Known Member
for the sex if u say girl ok i wont cut for over watering i wouldnt say that i never watered it until i well submerged my 5 or 9 gallon in a bathtub of water and lets it empty until no dripping under the 5-9gal ,

soo,.....its been a long time itss been not watered i'd say. i just watered it this morning tho with some nuts in it perfectly calibrated to 5.6 should love this new water...bathtub water is maybe not the best thing for a plant hehe

as u confim its a girl i wont cut and pay attention to her but please ggod dam tell me whats the deal about all these abnormal Leaves flowing from everywhere???because she has been like 2-3 weed in 12/12 with my #1 until i start the #3 and make the #2 have the switch to 18/6 since my #3 i wont miss him he's in a pro-mix instead of shitty miracle grow and the baby allready love it took a HD Picture of it man and wow on background....beside , these leaves..the joint where it split is also really big...and whats the deal aabout thos spike???i though about the root of a place with no bud....well the bud grow on it???further or is my plan gonna say like that ???like some desert plant that never grow up?

this plant was young and was in 12/12 with low light :S so it didnt helped , when i saw he had 2-3 white air i was like omg i cutted my #1 make it dry smoked it felt fucking awsome , and focused on my #3 since this one was in a 5-9 gal but shit happened no idea...it turned real bad in few days...no idea

step i should do? are ?

cut yellow leaves??leave them there??
add more nuts???im using superman B1 is it a good one??or i got rip off from the guy??
because some leaves are curled to death....they are doing a total 360 split on themself...its like if the plant had finger crossed in-n-out


Active Member
for the sex if u say girl ok i wont cut for over watering i wouldnt say that i never watered it until i well submerged my 5 or 9 gallon in a bathtub of water and lets it empty until no dripping under the 5-9gal ,

soo,.....its been a long time itss been not watered i'd say. i just watered it this morning tho with some nuts in it perfectly calibrated to 5.6 should love this new water...bathtub water is maybe not the best thing for a plant hehe

as u confim its a girl i wont cut and pay attention to her but please ggod dam tell me whats the deal about all these abnormal Leaves flowing from everywhere???because she has been like 2-3 weed in 12/12 with my #1 until i start the #3 and make the #2 have the switch to 18/6 since my #3 i wont miss him he's in a pro-mix instead of shitty miracle grow and the baby allready love it took a HD Picture of it man and wow on background....beside , these leaves..the joint where it split is also really big...and whats the deal aabout thos spike???i though about the root of a place with no bud....well the bud grow on it???further or is my plan gonna say like that ???like some desert plant that never grow up?

this plant was young and was in 12/12 with low light :S so it didnt helped , when i saw he had 2-3 white air i was like omg i cutted my #1 make it dry smoked it felt fucking awsome , and focused on my #3 since this one was in a 5-9 gal but shit happened no idea...it turned real bad in few days...no idea

step i should do? are ?

cut yellow leaves??leave them there??
add more nuts???im using superman B1 is it a good one??or i got rip off from the guy??
because some leaves are curled to death....they are doing a total 360 split on themself...its like if the plant had finger crossed in-n-out
You submerged your entire pot with the plant in it in bathwater? You a baptist?


Well-Known Member
Well, I have no idea what i just read,lol but, after looking the pics I can tell you that the big one is a female, is showing preflowers, has been overwatered, and has nuteburn. The small one is likely overwatered too, as it's leaves are starting to get light in color.

Um...Somehow, I don't think you're going to listen to me anyway, so I'll come back later if someone else doesn't get you pointed in the right direction.(I haven't had my morning coffee yet) :wink:


Well-Known Member
thx alot RIU! sarcasm

i've not fixed my problem but found a real solution to all of this chit-chat.

after readin 2 bible of grower i found that pre-flowers plant are some DNA Restriction from a plant to make them grow bigger...therefore even if they are in pre-flower they dont stop growing so no i wont cut it because its a female and she is still growing from what its written. SO pre-flower happen sometime and do appear more and more since Serious Seed have modified some seed without permission and played with the nature of some seed SO

Kali mist isnt anymore a 90% top brand stash grower

its down now with some shitty afghani stuff like read.

so Kali mist 90% sativa has been DNA modified with a shitty afghani(WITHOUT ANY LAW/Rules/Message from serious seed and therefore they never admit to do that but we all do know now and made it go downn to 50%/50%....hurrai for the shitty buzz fuck indica thats it(own opignions due to few brand of weed)[i do not say that kali mist suck tho(im growing it rofl so i wouldnt grow it if it was sucky well from report and things i've read around it was one of the most wanted Stash grower in the 95' and the 97' when it won 2 prize for the #1 Cannabis Cup in the Personal Stash i think it was about hydro section too

also for peeps who are interrest in looking for a plant with no pre-flower genetics Lowryder is one of the good ones i dont recommand since never did it but plan to try it

also to help the prevention of a pre-flower setting u better to go 24/0 if u seem to see it pre-flower before the time...since it dramaticly slow the growth of vegging

also the new Batch 2005+ seed of AK47

are mixed with a new DNA setting wich is subject to a high % of pre-flowering


Well-Known Member
your growing in soil? if so your ph should be ph'd around 6.2 - 6.8, the second set of pics are much better and does show a female :)

lmao @ below