Hermie may really be full male? And think I have a female too...


Active Member
Ok, here are the latest pics of my so thought "hermie"... the top looks like mostly sacks, so maybe it's full male? I haven't realized how big one of the other 2 plants have gotten (I keep them spread out on my acre, for less chance of them being seen so I check them every couple days usually, however I guess I've been too wrapped up in the "hermie"! lol)

Anyway, I think this other plant is a female. However lots of browning and yellowing on some lower leaves.

First, check out this dude/hermie and let me know what you think:

Ok, so here's some pics of what I think it a female... what do you think? And what do you think of the leaves? Think it'll keep growing?

I'm trying to make a quick decision on whether to kill the first plant, as I'd kind of like to produce some seeds for future growing... (these were seeds from sacks I've gotten here in Hawaii, stuff that's locally grown and I don't want to buy any seeds in the future...) but on the other hand, I wouldn't mind some good smoke.

Although, I guess the seeded stuff I get would help me to make it through next harvest! lol

We've got pretty much 11-12 hour days year long, so it's a beautiful thing that growing year round is easy here :) Anyway, thanks in advance for all the input!

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I would be worried that hermie seeds would produce hermie plants. I don't know if this is the case but that's the first thing that comes to my mind.

As far as anything with maleness to it, I subscribe to the no quarter method. None are spared because of such a negative impact to your females. I yank them and get them the heck away from any females. Its tough to do. Kind of like a small farmer who has to butcher the hog that the family gets a little attached to.


Well-Known Member
It's always a shame when a big strong plant like that one shows to be a male. You better get rid of it though or all your smoke will be seedy as hell. Sorry for the loss.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
it looks female and it still has alot of green. I kept one alive and on life support this year that was in brutal shape when it was small. It was stunted, a runt, disfigured. I tried to give it to a friend and he didn't want it either. It ended up being a beautiful little plant with 7 sweet big colas on it. Hopefully I can get a pick of it. I named it bonzai because it was my little bonzai tree that I topped silly for the heck of it.


Well-Known Member
You think the second plant is female? And with all that yellowing, think it'll pull through?
It looks heathy enough. I'd go ahead and pick off those dying fan leaves though. Looks like it got a nute shock or overwatering sometimes ago. The biggest problem is the days are getting so short you won't see much if any new veg growth. Start earlier next year.


That second one looks female right now but it could still herm on you. If that's your only one left let it do whatever for the smoke.
Good luck.

edited for sex comment on 2nd plant

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Howzit brah,

It's a male plant my friend. Just yank it , and yank it fast before it pollinates anything that could be close by. If your plant was a Hermorphidite, it would show small yellow flowering on the buds. Personally, if it is truly a hermie, keep the seeds. 85% of hermies seeds will be female! But it truly must be a hermie plant? Remember, little yellow flowers on the buds. Also, speaking of yellow. Just pull those small yellow leafs off plant. It is either because of age of plant, or your plant needs nitro!

Where on Big Island do you live?