Hermie question

If you get a hermie, can you selectively trim the stamen and get smokeable pot?

PLEASE don't answer if you don't know and haven't tried it.



Active Member
Level Herm? I have plants that start to herm when I let them go a week too long. There are only a few bananas here and there. No big deal. I do nothing. Now I have had bad herm plants that left no real nug so it all went to bubble bags. Do you have pic by chance? How far along in flower are you and how long do you think you have to go? Tough without a pic.


Active Member
I did it. i got nothing from it... it was so young when it hermied... i have ALSO taken some popcorn nugs off females bc the were dying or they were just soooo small, but they were growing awhile... and i DID get wasted.

try it, cant hurt i gguess, but that pollen gets around i had to bleach my room for 4 hours... i have a larger room