Hermies and what really causes them...


Well-Known Member
Genetics, genetics, genetics. Back in "the day" (70's Humboldt County), we almost never got hermies, they were male or female, and nanners were unheard of. A lot of this hermie stuff started when too many people with too little knowledge started chucking pollen around and/or making feminized seeds. Stress has a little impact, light leaks too, but not nearly (IMHO) as much as most think. Also, people who grow bagseed are just asking for trouble, because chances are the seeds were a result of unstable genetics (hermies) to begin with.
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Well-Known Member
I vote for genetics. I've been growing for going on 4 years, maybe 20 different strains. The only time I had a hermie was when I planted a seed from a friend's grow that had some seeds. Sure enough that plant also grew some seeds. That has been it.


Well-Known Member
Guys it's both. All MJ plants can be hermaphrodite. Stress is the culprit. The more stable the genetics the more stress is required for the plant to herm out. No matter how stable your genetics are, if you spray that girl with silver she will grow balls.


Well-Known Member
technically is all the above. It more genetic than anything, cause it's a natural phenomenon within the plant, it's a way for the plant to re spawn it self when it feels troubled or it gets to old. I have an old threat with one in it, and what i did with it....still smoked great and the seeds it gave, i've been planting ever since.....bout a good 75% of those seed have been female overall


Well-Known Member
Ive had a fair share of herms, mostly on lower branches from various strains and breeders over the years. If its strictly bad genetics, theres an awful lot of those i guess.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Guys it's both. All MJ plants can be hermaphrodite. Stress is the culprit. The more stable the genetics the more stress is required for the plant to herm out. No matter how stable your genetics are, if you spray that girl with silver she will grow balls.
Some things wont some only reverse with sts over collidal silver and even with sts still will yield little pollen you are right though in the regard the more stable it is the harder it is to herm it or to reverse it chemically and even when successfully reversed still wont yield much viable pollen