Hermies Help


Well-Known Member
So Im about 3 weeks into flowering and my babies are sexing

However, it appears that there are some nut sacks on a couple of them but it almost looks as if there are pistals too.

So, i have two questions
1. does anyone know where i can see some hermie pictures in early sexing


2. how much less of a yield do hermies produce than a female

thanks for the help homies


Well-Known Member
i had a pic somewhere but ill just answer 2: it depends on how bad the hermie is, cause I've had hermie with only a few balls and I managed to pick them off as they showed and I saw no difference in yeild (though you will get a few beans), but there also mainly male hermies (though i havent had one) that produce more balls than bud so to speak and if its starting to look that way id say kill it.


Well-Known Member
nice answer pacman. we have an experiment going on with Dutchmaster Reverse-pretty big thread-it's around here somewhere