hey all fellow tokers...

big buddah

hi all
i have just purchased a case from www.pcgrowcase.co.uk . i am wondering what to grow.. i am thinking big buddah auto critical mass or the standard auto flowerering strains.. any ideas / advice etc
Will be using a standard 125 watt cfl 2700k red

hope to hear from lots of you with your ideas etc

peace and love


Active Member
Hey mate, welcome to the site, there are lots and lots of strains to choose, try having a look through the strains reviews... Might help you choose something. Also id have a look through the forum in general, lots of tips in the newbie section and other areas, should give you a good starting point. Hope it goes well for you anyway. Peace

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
honestly...it all depends on you...do u like more indica or a heavier sativa.....lazy and zone out or alert and paranoid....are u interested in auto flower or anuals??? considering ur growin in a pc case i recommend an autoflower


Well-Known Member
As far as Autoflowers go, there's only a handful of strains that are worth it. Auto AK, and Easy Ryder are two real good ones.