Hey anyone grown/smoked strawberry cough?


Active Member
Hey all, my dude has been gettin some Strawberry Cough in and he says he can get me clones, anyone grown it? if so how was it, easy? difficult? also bout how long did you veg it for and how long did flowering take. also of course what was the results!? this stuff is definitely being grown by a very professional grower as it is top of the line.

I love the couchlock high it gives you, and the smell/taste is unmistakeable to me at this point.

Well, i'm bored and just smoked some of it so i don't feel like moving, therefore, you get useless threads! haha, thanks lemme know what you guys think


Well-Known Member
Yeah I grew it outdoors last year. I only had one plant which I received ffrom a cannabis club. The way it grew compared to the rest was pretty dinky. Grows kind of like a christmas tree, small buds, fruity smell, turned purple towards the end on some buds. The overall smoke was good but doesn't taste like strawberries. I have yet to try a strain that tastes close to strawberries. Oh yeah it has weak stems too. The strawberry cough I tried was bought. Unfortunatly I didn't get to try mine because it was stolen from me right before harvest :/. Man, I hate the outdoors sometimes....


Well-Known Member
i was lucky enough to git some cough(1 time) here in canada and i think its probably the best bud ive ever smoked besides the old school thai stick!!


Well-Known Member
hobbes have you purchase anything from elite gentics?? there lemon larru og kush has been on my radar for som etime. i just dont know anyone who has ordered from them, don't know if htey can be trusted and are reliable to make delivery?


Active Member
it is definitely a very good high. to me at least. but its more couchlock for me. it smells and tastes wonderful though