Hey from Canada


Active Member
Hi roll it up!
What a great site.I love the internet and how a free website can spread priceless knowledge, and connect so many expert gardeners. Iv been a lurker here for a few months now, though i would say hi, and thanks for the wealth of information on here!

Viva The sinsemilla!



Active Member
Hey! I threw 4 seeds, that by brother brought back from Costa Rica, in 2 gallon pots. They all germinated. I am now a full month in on a 400 watt at 18/6. I am now down to two plants,one looks like a lady. since two turned into males i am keeping one alive in the hopes to pollinate :)under a really large cfl at 12/12. in a separate room.. I'm growing all organically using Alaskan fish fertz and bat Poop.