Hey guys, I gots a lighting question


I was wondering if I could light a closet grow with 4 plants with a 250 watt hps? Or wud I have to upgrade to like a 400? Room dimensions are about 3 by 4.


Well-Known Member
As far as i know, most people use the '3000 lumens per sq/ft' technique. the sun provides somewhere around 10k lumens per sq/ft in nature, and some would argue that you should aim for something closer to that. really depends on who you talk to.

as far as i have seen, 3k will get you by fine, especially for your first grow (if its your first, with 3k, lights wont be your issue, youll be more worried about turning your thumb green and learning the process).

of course, dont forget, if you can KEEP HEAT UNDER CONTROL, there is no limit to how many lumens you should aim for, the more the better, always.


bud bootlegger
i was told by my hydro store guy that a four hundy needs atleast a 3x3 area, and anything smaller than that is good for a two fifty.. i have a two fifty and grow in about a 2.5 x 3 foot area, and i can squezze about four plants in max..


Well-Known Member
Well I know that I'm just saying will a 250 watt hps cover that area efficiamtly?
do the math.... how many lumens is the 250 putting out 50,000?

in my opinion if your really packing those plants in there then you should try to go a bit over board on the lights to try to compensate for crowding, all depends on the strain i guess.