Hey, questions for a 1st time grow

hellooo im new here and ive been intending to grow my own for some years now as the street weed in my area is just pathetic. (poor quality, bad deals, stalky, allround shite!)

so i got a few questions for my setup,
im going to be using a grow tent and since im only going to be growing 1-2 plants at a time i only really need a small tent but i still want a good one.
also im going with led's to save power and effort.
ill find my own way around nutrients/water systems n stuff with the guides on here.
since its my first time growing i like the idea of an autoflowering plant, it seems less can go wrong :P

there are so many different products to choose from and im 100% newbie so my question is what kind of tent should i be looking at, also what kind of led light, money isnt an object with the light i want the best to suite my needs.

what kind of autoflowering seeds are good for a first timer with led's in a grow tent? also would i benefit more from using rock wool or soil in my situation?
and i dont like the idea of clones first time over, i just want 1 grow and 1 harvest (do clones harvest faster or is it the same?)

any suggestions/tips are welcome, thx in advance!


Well-Known Member
keep it simple bud use soil for your first grow as there is less to go wrong !
id go for a 1mx1m tent but it depends on your space.
led's are not my thing so cant really speak too much about them but its watts of electricity used and you still need lots of watts of led to do a good grow ! if i were you id go with hps !


New Member
Don't go LED they're expensive and not very good at growing. Get CFLs or a 250 watt HPS. Autoflowers are good, but since they only live for a certain amount of time ANYTHING going wrong will effect your yields. While a normal plant you can screw up in veg period and you're still OK as you can grow it for as long as you want. What I suggest you do is buy both. Grow a few autos and grow a few normals. The autos take 20 hours lights on and 4 off. This will keep the normal plants in veg. Then when the autos are ready to harvest ~2 months later you just veged monster plants for 2 months! You'll get like 4 ounces per plant depending on your lighting.

Soil is good for beginners but I find it harder to grow. Hydroponics you just follow the rules and you WILL get results. Soil they can die way easier in my opinion due to things like bugs. I suggest you try soil and if it doesn't work out try hydro. Just do your research before hand.

Clones grow faster once they are rooted than seeds. But seeds are more sturdy not that it matters indoors.

I do suggest you go both CFLs for veg and a 250 watt HPS for flower


You might want to try soil with bat guano and just feed with water until about half way through flowering then feed them some molasses about once a week. This is a very easy and pretty much fail proof way. As far as led, I got a 90 watt ufo and it is horse shit. for 2 plants a 250 or 400 watt hps would do. If heat is a problem i hear T5s do a pretty good job. good luck
awesome advice guys thx alot, theres two sides to led's i read some people swear by them. ive also read about people growing with just cfl's or just hps, whats ur take on growing using just cfl's,hps's?

done quite a bit of research but im still hazy on how i want to go about this