Hey Rollitup


Rollitup and medicate it up everyone. My name is Harley and my life will be complete once I try the high CBD strain Harlequin. LOL bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Welcome! And there are a lot of high CBD strains out there. Harlequin isn't the only 1. I had some blue suede shoes bubble that had 24% THC and 26% CBD. It was awesome.


bud bootlegger
Welcome! And there are a lot of high CBD strains out there. Harlequin isn't the only 1. I had some blue suede shoes bubble that had 24% THC and 26% CBD. It was awesome.
i think they're only really excited about herlequin as it's their username, lol.. it would be like my being excited about racerboy strain, a nice racy sativa..

and welcome to the site m8.. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, lol. I noticed they're a big fan of harlequin. Some people don't know of other high CBD strains though. I still only know of a few. AND I'VE ONLY SEEN AND TRIED HARLEQUIN WAX ONCE. The harlequin strain is probably as rare to you as harlequin wax is to me. lol.