Hey there


Well-Known Member
Hey folks!

A friend of mine, McFatty's, is a member here, and I've finally registered an account. I just started smoking like 2 months ago, and I love it. I still live in dorms, so I won't be able to grow until next year when I get a house...

Looking forward to learning a lot and getting to know you guys... I've been lurking for a bit and it seems like a great place you all have here. I'll continue to lurk until i find some stuff to post about ;)




Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the welcome guys!!

Wow....I'd love to have your lungs.

Welcome aboard.
What?! Because I haven't been smoking for long? I've never smoked tobacco besides 2 cigars ever? Maybe... But I'm gonna say nah, you don't want my lungs; I actually have asthma :P