

Well-Known Member
Ok, Four plants, Blue Majestic from Amsterdam.
They have been really healthy up till now... Flowering started a few weeks ago and all the leaves seem to be wilting and dying more and more each day.. i would post pics but no camera and the description is easy to imagine. Buds a re forming but leave be dying fast.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry the more the plant gets into flowering mode the more the the leave's will yellow you cold try flushing get rid rid of excess salts that are produced during growing this is what i have learnt on internet because i would never break the law by growing cannabis myself.easy peace.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i know that the leaves will wilt and not be as healthy during flowering, but this is way more than i have ever seen... thought it might be temp, and i flushed, raised the lights a tad... but they keep dying... ALL of them are


Well-Known Member
they are in a closet with a fan and they got into about the fourth week of budding and just turn bad. I left for about three days and had my roommate water them and when i came back the leaves were dying and drooping. Now they are drying up and even one stalk has turned white. i have tried everything to revive them but no luck yet