Hi im greenhouse

welp let me start off by introducing myself im greenhouse i live in miami fl right now im on probation so i hvent been able to smoke for like 3 months and i misse my 4-20 :( but its ok ill be off next month....so the real question is like(im going to grow like 2 or 3 sour diesel plants i know its like ima noob i havent grown before idk and they say sour is had to grow because it isnt forgiving but what i wanna know is like what are the best nutrients and soil i can put it in im going to be growing it outdoors and im not going to be growing here im gonna do it in oklahoma lawton because all the weed there sucks and i want to not really make money but have some good pot for myself and maybe sell a couple grams to some ppl andd i got yet one more thing im going to grow the entire plant in a 5 gallon jar idk what soil or any of that so if you have an experience with sour diesel can you tell me plzzz :mrgreen: and like hoe much would i yield from one plant cuz ima try 1 first and see how it goes then im gonna stat growing foreal....thanks for reading lol


New Member
Various ideas of compound of soil, but most seem to agree on 1/3 perlite, for the other 2 parts you get 1000 different ideas.... Search and you shall find ;)

Nutes the same, from piss to very expensive and state of the art fertilizers. Some also state plain rain water.

For the yield I´m not sure, but they say up to 1gr per watt, the sun have a couple of 100.000 I guess so maybe a ton? :D But seriously, that will vary, and since this is your first grow don´t expect much I guess. And all of this thanks to reading a bit here on RIU, been here for 2 days, so my advice is read the very very good and interesting stickies (most of them anyway), and just browse, you pick up so much! Yesterday I had 2 dying plants, today they smile at me every time I look at them, and all thanks to own search :)

Oh, and welcome since I´m a "vet" (and that was a JOKE trolls!) :D

Forgot to mention my DVD tutor with a magnificent very easy to follow DVD that will take you all the way to an advanced "planter". His name Jorge Cervantes, can really recommend his DVD!