Hi NEW AFGHAni GroW could USE HelP!


Well-Known Member
hello ive posted photos of this lil plant in another unrelated thread, but i want to start a dedicated one for this plant. its afghani, and is two weeks since becoming a little seedling.

the leaves are real close together, and the bottom two just turned yellow like that. i transplanted them tonite to these bigger containers -not that much bigger... i want to step it up slow as well as make it a bit of a micro / bendy / bonzai type thing not really sure.

i have it on 3 hours of dark, since i started it. i have ventilation, humidity in check etc. straight water right now.

does it look ok right now? when can i top it? i want to keep it very compact.

xo kimmi :leaf::-P


Well-Known Member
clearly, i meant 3 hours of dark. do you cruise forums looking for typos? if so, here's your prize.


Well-Known Member
wheres my prize, where where give it here, let it get 6-7 trusses first if you want to top.


Well-Known Member
the clear container has been covered over. i dont have any mylar. I used what was available. Better than nothing, and lots of other things too!


Well-Known Member
I am on my 2nd grow & by no means an expert, but I thought I'd give you a few of my thoughts on your grow...
First, transfer as few times as possible. Every time the plant has to readjust and slows growth. I had good luck going from a small container like you to a 6" pot, then a 10" pot a few weeks later.
Second, I'm looking at your yellow leaves and wondering if you're having a PH problem. Tap water is all over the place, especially if you live in a city and caused me a bunch of problems. In my case I'm pretty sure a low PH was causing a N lockout giving me yellow leaves and slow growth. I've been told you can get PH kits at Home Depot, but I got one at a hydro shop. If nothing else, let the water sit out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate.

I also had good luck lining my setup with pieces of cheap white poster board, it reflects light well & doesn't give the tin foil hot spots.

Keep it going! I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes.



Well-Known Member
i'll check out alternates to the 'foil.

not sure what up with the yellow leaves, using tap water, so maybe what you said. if any more leaves start to go yellow i'll check more into it.

this little plant is so compact, there are barely any spaces between leaves, is this okay? i want to keep it super tiny as well...

thanks again all!
xokimmi :weed:


Well-Known Member
i'll check out alternates to the 'foil.

not sure what up with the yellow leaves, using tap water, so maybe what you said. if any more leaves start to go yellow i'll check more into it.

this little plant is so compact, there are barely any spaces between leaves, is this okay? i want to keep it super tiny as well...

thanks again all!
xokimmi :weed:
Hello, have the first small round leaves turned yellow yet? If so I think you should give them there first dose of food. They need to eat aswell. This could just be showing that it is ready for food.

Like when you get hungry your stomach starts grumbling. Your plants start yellowing.

Or as stated above, it could be your ph,

Once you start to flower, it won't stay that small, it will stretch stretch stretch.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
May have photo synthasis problems ( lack of light ) to alot of your leaf area due to each leaf blokking light out, but this can be sorted by fixing your light reflectivity, and get that light bouncing of the walls , follow sheep dogs advice, use white board or remove the tin foil and paint ur grow space white , take the plant out first, lol, u can use the silvery shiny backed christmas wrapping paper instead of foil, it has similar propertys to mylar,

if your using tap water heres some tips , but u have to do this 2 days prior to watering, but it pays off,

1 boil a large saucepan of tap water for 30mins , then take off heat , cover the sauce pan with a plate so dust and inpuritys dont fall in it , leave it to cool over night,

2 invest in a brita water filter, they aint that expensive, filter the water that u boiled the night b4, bottle it and keep it in the fridge till the day of your water,

3 on the day of your water remove from fridge and let it sit at room temp for a few hours

4 water your plants :)

theres a bit from me


Well-Known Member
first of all-to the second poster in the forum- what a dick.

now, the transplant point is very valid, you don't wanna keep moving it around all the time. And he is probably also right about your PH problem, you really should invest in a ph test kit/chemicals. It is only like 12 bucks and PH is NOT negotiable. My tap water runs about 8ph which is waaaaay to high. your soil ph should stay about 6 for a healthy, happy plant.

as for it being very compact, that seems great. There are a few ways to keep your plant smaller and bushier. You mentioned topping it earlier, that can be done when it has about 5 sets of leaves. there is a great post somewhere in here about where to top it in order to get 2 colas or 4 colas, Im too lazy to find the link. You can also (in addition to topping) bend it over when it gets a little taller to 90 or 180 degrees, careful, dont break it. tie it off with its head on the ground for a bit and it will make some crazy chemical reactions in the plant causing the bottom branches to grow bigger turning your plant into a bush. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so the first thing I need to do is the mylar or white posterboard. Which of these two would be best? I've heard that those windshield reflector things, the back sides of them work well? What do you think?

My plant is very compact, so I can believe the light is getting blocked off to the under leaves.

I am planning on topping and bending, as needed. The transplant was like 3 days ago, and the stem is strong and everything looks good, aside from those bottom two leaves who are still half yellow. The yellow has not extended to any other leaves. Here are my photos from today.

The plant (hopefully a girlie!!) is 15 days since sprouting and three days since transplant.

thanks all!!
xokimmi :roll:



Well-Known Member
Windshields cover reflectors aitn no good, they create hot-spots, wich focus light on one area and end up burning your plant,

the best professional thing is mylar

if u cant afford mylar

use white plaster board
smooth not wrinkled ....shiny silver backed christmas mettalic wrapping paper

try moving your light up a little bit
and take down the tin foil

( both of these could be turning your leaves yellow)

check your ph levels.

Good luck :) x


Well-Known Member
well see, i was told to keep them as close to the light as possible..... and why shiny wrapping paper? that wrinkles too doesnt it? sounds like the posterboard is best.....



Well-Known Member
Or use ply- board and paint it white,

yes u was told to keep the lights close, how close are they ??

There is such thing as
" too close"

just be carefull all plants like certain distances away from light

just cos someone says 1-2 inches away, dont mean ur plants gna like it

try backing away a few inches, i did it with mine and my leafs have recovered


Well-Known Member
they are several inches away - only the bottom leaves are yellowing, nothing noticeable anywhere else.

so tell me how my plant looks - nobody has told me if it looks right????
