hi :)


Hellllo :) newish to here , been lurking for a while lol thinking of posting a grow journal, halfway through an auto flower grow and just started off some pineapple chunk, jack herer and delicious cotton candy. Got a question....... how many of u get cranky when you need a j? i get well tetchy...need several every day to remain chilled lol. I love weed , not a drinker. Just wonder if cutting down would improve my temper in the long run... Any thoughts on this? Anyone similar? smoked from 15 yr old, now 24 Like i say i love weed, never want to totally give it up. Im a nice girl really just cranky when no smoke lol


New Member
Hi Maryjane welcome to riu
i smoke to relax and calm myself
i have never noticed if not smoking makes me cranky cuz i always smoke
grow your own and always stay high


lol yeah thats the plan. I cant smoke all day tho, got 3 kids :) but once they in bed thats my time ;) need to smoke. Id never sleep without it lol


i need my weed anyway lol i think im a good mum, the law may well disagree being a toker. But when i am high i have wads of patience total ocd with cleaning ect lol kids are happy in a nice home, huge garden, out in the countryside i work part time, problem is i break the law with growing my weed and smoking it. Better to grow and not spend on it or be seen doing "dodgy deals" right?? lol who knows. Not fair the stoners are made to feel like criminals :( sorry havering now one spliff 2 many ;)


New Member
i need my weed anyway lol i think im a good mum, the law may well disagree being a toker. But when i am high i have wads of patience total ocd with cleaning ect lol kids are happy in a nice home, huge garden, out in the countryside i work part time, problem is i break the law with growing my weed and smoking it. Better to grow and not spend on it or be seen doing "dodgy deals" right?? lol who knows. Not fair the stoners are made to feel like criminals :( sorry havering now one spliff 2 many ;)
its all good
dont feel bad it is a unjust law
and u are a good mom since u make sure they are not around it
and better to be a " criminal and grow it " then to buy from guys that are involved in other criminal things
just dont tell anyone u grow offsite

got any pics of plants
and will i think of it place a lock on grow area and keep all nutes put up because of kids in house


yeah everything under lock and key. Im going to start a grow journal got some flowering just now and six little seedling just sprouted. Will get some pics up soon.


New Member
hell you beat me here.....but what can i say...i likes the ladys..
man i just got home and rolled a blunt then remembered i forgot to replace lighter that fell out of pocket today while riding my bike so i had to jump back on bike and run to store firing up now


Hi buddy,.....
I am newbie on this forum and my name is Acton
.I'm looking forward to posting more on this forum.
seen some interesting threads and posts so I thought I would sign up.
Currently on the Arson desk. Loving the game.
Hope to know you all well in the future.