High Humidity


Active Member
I have 32 plants in a 10x7x7 flowering room. Im using 2 600w bulb hps for my set up, multiple fans and exhaust fan that exchanges the air in the room for about 15mins every hour. My problem now is my humidity levels. Due to the amount of plants and little space I can get up to about 80%. So I brought in a dehumidifier but unfortunately it shoots my temp up to about 32c( left on for only 3 hrs), when normally I can maintain about 26 ish

My question is whats another option for me?? I was thinking of maybe just turing the dehumidifier during the off hours and hopefully it will work. I've also heard for other growers that with co2 you can maintain levels of temp at 35c and the plants will be okay....Anyone else heard of this??

any suggestions would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i have a similar issue. i have 10 (soon to be eight) in a 4x4x8 room and my humidity ranges from 50-85ish. it spikes into the 70-80s when i water and folier spray. i think on average its in the mid 60s which is too high for flowering. my exhaust fan is on 24x7 and there is a oscilating fan inside the room as well (ceiling mounted).

if you leave your exhaust fan on constantly that should help. mine exhausts in a DIY carbon scrubber. other than that you could duct tape a dryer vent hose to the front of your humidifier and keep it outside the room. that way you get the benefits of it but not the heat. i havent done that personally (no dehumidifier) but it should work.

yes, adding C02 will allow plants to handle higher temps. but every time you vent your room you vent your co2 too. i bought the hydrofarm co2 regulator but havent seen a need to use it yet. i'm 2.5 weeks into budding with lots of dense buds so i might just say fug the c02.

why do you only vent 15 mins an hour? the more air exchange the better