HIGH ph111


HELLO I posted some pics on here of my plants some most of you said ph problems so I bought some of the testing solution for my digital ph tester and it was way off I bought a new tester and discovered that my ph was running like 9.6 in rockwool mind you which oviesly was causing all sorts of nute locks.

this evening I phd fresh water to 6.0 and flushed each plant until the runoff read 6 to 6.5

my question is how long should I feed the girls straight phd water before giving them a little food?

thanks for the help!!!
I'm assuming that they are just in rockwool.

In that case, IMO aim for 5.5 - 6.0, closer to 6.0 if you can.

How long has it been since the clones were taken? Usually starting at 1/3 strength is pretty norm if they aren't newly taken clones


they are about 13 days old I was just wondering if they needed more straight water or not they were pretty nute locked
go with a third strength then. Also, you should find out if your tap water is alright for what your doing. That might be another source of your nute lock if your tap is crap.


yea that makes sense I have used tap water here before and had had no problems I am thinking and hoping that it is all ph it was very high I will keep you posted thanx


PH should be between 5.5-5.8, nothing lower or higher. PH is really important in growing plants. Add nutrients every 10 days. Between those days, five PH tested water. Hope this helps.


sure as shit just one flushing of properly phd water has brought shit tons of color back to my girls new growth looks good thanks all